I think you hit the nail on the head, when you reply to “all” on this group; it 
goes to the group and to the sender.  If you just hit reply it goes privately 
to the sender.   So this is probably a good reminder to everyone on the list (I 
forget myself) to delete the original sender so he/she doesn’t get the reply 

I just did that for this one so if you get it twice from me the theory goes out 
the window but I suspect it won’t.

From: owner-u...@colostate.edu [mailto:owner-u...@colostate.edu] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 12:38 PM
To: U.S. Metric Association
Subject: [USMA:53946] Reply Options

I love the great interaction here, being on the U.S. Metric Association email 
list. I am curious about a minor matter though. I notice that when someone in 
our email group replies, I often end up getting two email messages, one to me 
and coppied to the group, and another entirely separate email message addressed 
to the group only. I typically like to save most or our email messages for 
reference, so more recently, I have been keeping one and the deleting the other 
redundant email message in order to save space. Is this happening only to me or 
does it happen to everyone? Perhaps it is simply some feature of horde 
Groupware 5.1.1 (my email handler) that generates the redundant email message 
while more sophisticated email services filter out redundant email messages. I 
really do not know. More recently, when I reply to our group, I typicaly delete 
the email address of the person I reply to and send the message ONLY to our 
group usma at colostate dot edu to avoid the redundancy on your end. Can anyone 
shed some light on this matter?
David Pearl www.MetricPioneer.com<http://www.MetricPioneer.com> 503-428-4917

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