Well, here is the news on my FPLA petition.
I did get over 50 signatures, and a message from Moveon.org telling me it
was ready to be delivered. I then sent an email asking them "delivered
where?" and how much would it cost?
Well, no response, and all I ever get from Moveon.org is requests for
money.I tried calling them on the phone, but it appears they do not have a
telephone, or don't believe in using it if they have one.

I'm trying a new petition on change.org.

I'd appreciate it very much if everybody on the USMA listserver would
please consider signing it. If I get 100 signatures they might do something
with it, I'm not sure what, but at this point I am ready to hire my own
lobbyist on this issue.

I know there are services in Washington that will send messages to all 435
Congressmen and 100 Senators and I might have to go that route if nothing
else works. I'm gambling that there are people in both parties that are
willing to consider the issue, they just don't know about it because lots
of other issues are the ones that wind up in the newspapers or internet
news services.

Anyway, if you could sign the petition, I'd appreciate it, and perhaps this
one will actually go someplace.
Mark Henschel

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