W dniu 22.02.2018 o 23:37, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users pisze:
> On 02/22/2018 09:15 AM, Piotr Krysik via USRP-users wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> There was a thread on this topic started by Hideyuki Matsunaga that
>> didn't resolve this question.
>> I want to reiterate this question here but from different point: it
>> seems that at this moment it isn't possible. I did my best to
>> synchronize two USRPs B210 (the description is below) and the result was
>> negative.
>> Please prove my hypothesis is wrong.
>> Here is the description how to reproduce the problem (keep in mind that
>> the code below was tested on USRP X310 and it worked correctly):
>> 1. connect REF and PPS inputs of USRPs to reference clock source (i.e.
>> octoclock-G),
>> 2. connect noise source (i.e. another USRP) at 1GHz central frequency
>> (this is default frequency of the recorder) through an attenuator and
>> splitter to inputs of USRPs B210,
>> 3. run:
>> recorder.py --serial1 <serial_of_first_usrp_b210> --serial2
>> <serial_of_second_usrp_b210>
>> (recorder.py implements synchronization of two usrp_source objects, the
>> function that does that is Python re-implementation of
>> set_time_unknown_pps uhd function).
>> 4. then open octave-cli and in it run:
>> show_cross_corrs
>> You should get the results like below:
>> The result of cross-correlation between channels of single USRP:
>> https://imgur.com/a/66Z2g
>> Everything is fine here, the correlation peak is in the zero, which
>> means that correlated signals are time-synchronized.
>> The result of cross-correlation between channels of different USRPs:
>> https://imgur.com/a/sCKCS
>> Here there is problem: the peak is not in zero, the signals recorded by
>> two different USRPs *are not time-synchronized*.
>> I tested with UHD installed from Ubuntu 16.04 packages and fresh
>> compilation, for different B210s and different Octoclocks-G and the
>> synchronization of B210s doesn't work. Why is it the case? I might be
>> doing something wrong, but please take into consideration that there is
>> something wrong with B210s time-synchronization in general. It would be
>> great if someone can reproduce the problem or show that it works for him
>> (if yes: how he did it).
>> I attach whole code of the recorder (with grc file that was used to
>> generate part of it) and processing and image of the flowgraph.
> I took a quick look at your flow-graphs.
> Two things come to mind
> (A) What if more than 3 seconds of wall-time occur between your __init
> function, and the code finally calling tb.start()?   That would cause
> the B210 to
>   begin streaming immediately, and since this is two different
> multi_usrps, there's no time-alignment between them.
> (B) There is a 180deg ambiguity in the AD9361 clock logic, so that two
> AD9361s given the same clock can have a 180deg phase-difference at the
> mixer
>      (or 0deg phase difference, depending on divider state) this is
> probably not your issue, but it is an *additonal* headache you'll have
> to deal with.
Hi Marcus,

Ad.A  I doubted it as the time reported by both USRPs at the end of
synchronization function is about ~0.005 s. Anyway I increased the value
of start time to 9 seconds - with the same (negative) result.

Ad.B When I get these B210s to time-synchronize I plan to implement
phase calibration method that doesn't rely on the capabilities provided
by B210's LO synthesizer. But I need to get to that point first. BTW
180deg ambiguity is still better than what I expected.

Best Regards,
Piotr Krysik

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