On 02/24/2018 04:27 PM, Piotr Krysik via USRP-users wrote:
Hi Marcus,

Ad.A  I doubted it as the time reported by both USRPs at the end of
synchronization function is about ~0.005 s. Anyway I increased the value
of start time to 9 seconds - with the same (negative) result.

Ad.B When I get these B210s to time-synchronize I plan to implement
phase calibration method that doesn't rely on the capabilities provided
by B210's LO synthesizer. But I need to get to that point first. BTW
180deg ambiguity is still better than what I expected.

Best Regards,
Piotr Krysik

What if you use the time-stamps on the streams to time-align, and THEN cross-correlate?

Remember that multi-usrp does this as a first step when it's dealing with multiple notionally-time-aligned streams from multiple devices.

But that's only *WITHIN* a single multi-usrp object, and you necessarily have more than one multi_usrp object.

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