Thanks Marcus, I got it to work just fine.

Your remark is a little concerning... is there any more efficient way to
send data over the internet?

Furthermore, I actually don't necessarily need to pass the samples over the
internet. I simply need to send the samples directly from the X310 to a
windows PC at high rate (Employer's demands, non-negotiable).
Is there any way to get around this problem? for instance, instead of the
internet to construct some communication box? I've never dealt with such
things before....

Thanks again,

On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 12:37 AM, Marcus Müller <>

> Hi Steve,
> That's a pretty network-centric question!
> So, first of all, you need to make sure you can actually send IP packets
> from one computer to the other - that will require figuring out the public
> IP address of the server end of the connection, making sure the firewall on
> that computer allows for connections to that port, and also make sure that
> if any routers are in between (especially if they do NAT/masquerading),
> that these will forward the packets.
> As a side remark: even the lowest sample rate possible on an X310, which
> is 195.3125 kS/s, will require that the sending end has more than 6.25 Mb/s
> of continuously available uplink. That is actually not that little, so
> unprocessed samples are seldom what you'd want to send over the internet!
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 27 May 2018 16:45:22 GMT+02:00, "shachar J. brown via USRP-users" <
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Disclaimer: I have never used zmq before.
>> My goal is to control a X310 from a remote PC, and receive data. using
>> ZMQ.
>> I downloaded the simple example zmq_stream.grc:
>> zeromq/examples/zmq_stream.grc
>> I ran the flow-graph on two different pc's, both connected to the web.
>> The first pc had the PUB/PUSH/REP blocks, while the second had the
>> SUB/PULL/REQ blocks. Quite frankly, the signal hasn't reached the second pc.
>> How do I ensure both pc's are subscribed one to another?
>> Anything else I got wrong?
>> TIA,
>> Steve
> --
> This was written on my cellular phone. whilst an impressive piece of
> engineering, this might not be the perfect device to write emails on -
> please excuse my brevity.
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