On 09/15/2018 01:35 AM, Koyel Das (Vehere) via USRP-users wrote:

I am using USRP 2954R. I have connected one antenna to RX2 of RF0 and another antenna to TX/RX of RF1. Both are used for receiving. Can someone tell me if RX2 of RF0 and TX/RX of RF1 are phase locked that is the signal received by the two have a constant phase difference with time or not? Are the two LOs controlled by a common master oscillator or two LOs run Independently?

Both synthesizers are phase-locked to either the on-board clock, or an external reference clock, if you're using an external reference. So, they'll have no relative phase-drift with respect to one another (except for thermal effects, but those have a very small magnitude).

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