I just wanted to throw this email back out there as it had been biting me again 
and I didn't realize it.  Without making the below mods to split-stream,  I can 
only run a flowgraph one time.  After that, things get hosed (split-stream 
isn't getting reset properly) and I have to reboot.
After making the mod, I am working pretty well (small sample size though).
--------- Original Message --------- Subject: RE: Re: Re: [USRP-users] RFNoC 
FPGA clear_tx_seqnum behavior
From: "Jason Matusiak" <ja...@gardettoengineering.com>
Date: 7/2/18 12:03 pm
To: "Brian Padalino" <bpadal...@gmail.com>
Cc: "USRP-users@lists.ettus.com" <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>

 I found the problem with my one flowgraph that was still not working after I 
updated my blocks, it was the RFNoC "Split Stream" block.  It appears that it 
was never updated to use these new changes.  I sort of modified it based on the 
addsub block and it seems to work for me, but YMMV.
My changed were:
- wire [1:0] clear_tx_seqnum;
+ wire [1:0] clear_tx_seqnum, clear_tx_seqnum_bclk;
 +synchronizer #(.INITIAL_VAL(1'b0), .WIDTH(2)) clear_tx_sync_i (
+ .clk(bus_clk), .rst(1'b0), .in(clear_tx_seqnum), .out(clear_tx_seqnum_bclk));
 chdr_deframer_2clk chdr_deframer (
- .samp_clk(ce_clk), .samp_rst(ce_rst), .pkt_clk(bus_clk), .pkt_rst(bus_rst),
+ .samp_clk(ce_clk), .samp_rst(ce_rst), .pkt_clk(bus_clk), .pkt_rst(bus_rst | 
 chdr_framer_2clk #(.SIZE(MTU)) chdr_framer (
- .samp_clk(ce_clk), .samp_rst(ce_rst | clear_tx_seqnum[i]), .pkt_clk(bus_clk), 
+ .samp_clk(ce_clk), .samp_rst(ce_rst | clear_tx_seqnum[i]), .pkt_clk(bus_clk), 
.pkt_rst(bus_rst | clear_tx_seqnum_bclk[i]),
--------- Original Message --------- Subject: RE: Re: Re: [USRP-users] RFNoC 
FPGA clear_tx_seqnum behavior
Date: 7/2/18 6:54 am
To: "Brian Padalino" <bpadal...@gmail.com>
Cc: "USRP-users@lists.ettus.com" <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>

 Thanks Brian, that seemed to be the trick, at least for the initial flowgraph 
I was trying to use (I think I must have missed a block in my second flowgraph).
Sadly, I can only run it once and then it doesn't work on the second run, so I 
need to investigate that next.  I feel like I remember something in the mailing 
list that was similar to that, so I will need to run that down (I am guessing 
it has something to do with that clear_tx change again).
Thanks again, I owe you!  
Now, if you're working off the latest rfnoc-devel as of today, I believe all 
you need to do to port from a 2015.4 to 2017.4 design is:
  - add bus_clk and bus_rst to the axi_wrapper instantiation if you use it
  - use the chdr_framer_2clk/chdr_deframer_2clk versions instead since CHDR 
operations changed clock domains
If you can't run uhd_usrp_probe and see your block listed after just adding the 
bus_clk/bus_rst to axi_wrapper, then something else beyond what I've had to 
debug is probably happening.
Hope this helps.
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