Here's a way in Python you can pull in SC16 and recover the FC32 from a
file.  It'll scale the values from the INT16_MAX back to -1.0 to 1.0 too in
one shot.

import numpy
dat = numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.int16)
data = dat[0::2]/32767.0 + 1j*dat[1::2]/32767.0  # ::02 says every other
starting at 0

Maybe that'll help?

On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 11:51 AM Michael Dickens via USRP-users <> wrote:

> Hi Joel - IIRC UHD takes and provides std::complex<float> values that are
> in (-1.0,+1.0), meaning that the minimum (most negative) value is
> -1.0+epsilon and the maximum (most positive) value is 1.0-epsilon, where
> "epsilon" is the smallest positive 32-bit float value (approximately
> 1.17549e-38).
> If you're looking just for conversion from sc16 (aka
> "std::complex<int16_t>") to std::complex<float> in C++ (note that "float"
> is 32-bits in C++), you could do something like the following (which should
> work with pretty much any C++ standard):
> {{{
> #include <complex>
> #include <limits>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> static float scale_factor = float(1) /
>    float(std::min(int16_t(-std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min()),
>            std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()));
> std::complex<float> sc16_to_float (const std::complex<int16_t>& input) {
>     return std::complex<float>
>       (std::real(input) * scale_factor,
>        std::imag (input) * scale_factor);
> }
> }}}
> There are, obviously, more efficient ways to do this. I believe that VOLK
> provides CPU optimized functions something along the lines of the above
> code. Hope this is useful! - MLD
> On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 8:47 AM J Subash via USRP-users <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Imad,
>> Thanks very much for your reply. Unfortunately that solution does not
>> work.
>> Because if it reads 4 bytes (two int16_t in C/C++ parlance; <i2 in numpy
>> world) which for argument sake holds 15, 16 (which are integers). These are
>> then cast as floats which makes them 15.0 and 16.0 and then when viewed as
>> np.complex64 becomes 15.0 + 16.0j.
>> I have had a look at the converters section in the uhd API (
>> but
>> can't get my head around the code.
>> Thanks.
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