Hello Cherif and Brian,

I did find the clock signal re-definitions you were talking about in 
*rfnoc_ce_auto_inst_x310.v*, and I did notice that the file is generated by the 
*uhd_image_builder.py file*, so I looked in the *uhd_image_builder.py* file to 
find the code that generates *rfnoc_ce_auto_inst_x310.v*. I was able to find 
the signal re-definitions in the image builder file, lines 43 and 44 I believe, 
and I changed them there.  So far that seems to have fixed the issue and I have 
successfully been able to build a custom FPGA image. The one thing I have yet 
to try is building one with a custom RFNoC block. Anyways, thank you for the 
help and I will post again if I run into any other issues.

Best Regards,


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