Ok. I modified my code to be more like yours...

   - toggling dsp freq rather than LO freq
   - LO at 900 MHz
   - external connections Tx0 => Splitter_1x2 => both Rx0 and Rx1
   - Previously, I was starting / stopping both Rx & Tx in between each
   test.  Now, I added a mode where the Tx is on continuously, and the Rx
   starts & stops for each test after the dsp freq change

The results are the following:

   - In the first mode where both Tx and Rx start/stop at each test, I get
   consistent group delay (as measured by the correlation peak index) for both
   Rx-Rx and Rx-Tx.  But for phase, the Rx-Rx phase is consistent, but the
   Rx-Tx phase seems random
   - In the second mode where Tx is on continuously and I start/stop Rx
   after each dsp freq change, the group delay is constant for Rx-Rx but
   random for Rx-Tx.  The phase results are constant for Rx-Rx but random for

Regarding the 2nd mode, this makes sense to me.  But, for the 1st mode, I
don't understand why the Rx-Tx phase seems random. Still thinking about

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 4:35 PM Rob Kossler <rkoss...@nd.edu> wrote:

> Lukas,
> Just before receiving your email, I ran the following with my custom c++ &
> matlab software using X310/UBX-160 with the connections I described.  The
> following shows the output which is very consistent.  I used a 100 tone
> multi-tone waveform spread over 4 MHz bandwidth (using 5 MS/s sample rate
> on Tx and Rx).  Note the consistency of results as I toggled between 2
> frequencies: 2450 and 2460 MHz.
> My method was the following:
>    - Tx waveform was 500 points long
>    - Rx capture was 5000 points long
>    - Compute cross-correlation (using Matlab xcorr) as follows:
>    xcorr(rx0, conj(tx)) AND xcorr(rx0,conj(rx1))
>    - Find the correlation peak (which was very pronounced) which shows
>    the sample delay between the two signals.  Extract the phase at the peak
> Oops, I just realized that I used a constant DSP freq (10 MHz) and I
> changed the LO freq in my test.  I will try again with moving the DSP freq
> instead.
> Rob
> Test 1: freq = 2450.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -121.8
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase -95.7
> Test 2: freq = 2460.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -58.7
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase 13.1
> Test 3: freq = 2450.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -121.7
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase -95.8
> Test 4: freq = 2460.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -58.6
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase 13.0
> Test 5: freq = 2450.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -121.7
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase -95.8
> Test 6: freq = 2460.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -58.8
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase 12.7
> Test 7: freq = 2450.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -121.8
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase -95.9
> Test 8: freq = 2460.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -58.7
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase 12.9
> Test 9: freq = 2450.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -121.8
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase -95.8
> Test 10: freq = 2460.0 MHz
>   Rx0/Tx0 xcorr peak at index 108 with phase -58.7
>   Rx0/Rx1 xcorr peak at index 115 with phase 12.9
> >>
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 4:21 PM Lukas Haase <lukasha...@gmx.at> wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> Yes, I confirm your conclusion.
>>    - I calculate the relative phase by dividing the outputs of both
>>    receivers. To understand better, note that I have an additional "IF stage"
>>    in my own signal flow such that I exclude DC offset correction etc. the
>>    USRP may perform. This is the block diagram of the transmitter part:
>>    https://snipboard.io/YFgIKs.jpg . I send "exp(1j*1MHz*t) . This shows
>>    the receiver part: https://snipboard.io/i9jLJg.jpg . I multiply the
>>    received signal with exp(-1j*1MHz*t) and filter them. Then I divide both
>>    streams and take the phase part. I take a moving average (for
>>    flucatuations), add pi and display the number.
>>    - https://snipboard.io/YFgIKs.jpg https://snipboard.io/YFgIKs.jpg
>>    https://snipboard.io/YFgIKs.jpg That's so nice, thank you!! My code
>>    is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MbCJfPGzYW/ . I'm not sure if you
>>    have gnuradio(and QT) installed but if yes, simply "python2
>>    switch_on_click.py" should do. Let me quickly elaborate how it works:
>>       - Class "switch_on_click" implements a normal gnuradio flow with
>>       USRP transmitter and receiver.
>>       - It also uses a custom module together with buttons and a probe
>>       block to call functions upon clicking on a button
>>       - The callback functions are defined in class "blk"
>>       - The most important is "def button_rtx_handler" on line 106 which
>>       is executed when user clicks on button "Switch RTX (together)"
>>    - Again, thank you for trying this out!! If it works, would you mind
>>    sharing this code then? I may be able to check then where it breaks on my
>>    system
>>    - I use 900 MHz as default center frequency (and "rf_freq"). When
>>    clicking, I jump between dsp_freq=0 and dsp_freq=500e3. As to my waveform,
>>    you can infer from my screenshots and code above: I am transmitting and
>>    receiving a 1MHz waveform (which acts as an additional "IF stage"). The
>>    received signal is then downconcerted from 1MHz to DC. I use 5 MSsps
>>    sampling rate.
>> Again, thank you SO much.
>> Best,
>> Lukas
>> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 19. März 2020 um 10:43 Uhr
>> *Von:* "Rob Kossler" <rkoss...@nd.edu>
>> *An:* "Lukas Haase" <lukasha...@gmx.at>
>> *Cc:* "USRP-users@lists.ettus.com" <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
>> *Betreff:* Re: [USRP-users] USRP X310 ignored DSP retuning on TX when
>> using a timed command
>> Hi Lukas,
>> So, the conclusion is that your Rx0-to-Rx1 relative phase is nearly
>> constant such that it seems that both Rx0/Rx1 are phase coherent and
>> Tx0/Tx1 are phase coherent.  But, phase from Tx-to-Rx is random.  Please
>> correct me if that is wrong.
>> I have a few comments:
>>    - How do you measure/calculate the relative phase?
>>    - Can you send me the full Python code to look at?  As I mentioned
>>    previously, I am not too good at gnuradio/Python, but I might be able to
>>    spot something.
>>    - As to your question, I always use synchronous measurements.  And,
>>    I'm confident that my Rx-to-Rx phase is coherent.  But, I haven't really
>>    looked at Tx-to-Rx in a while so I will do so later today.  Here are the
>>    steps I plan to take:
>>       1. Connect Tx0 to Rx1.  Note that there is a pretty strong leakage
>>       signal from Tx0 to Rx0 so I don't really need to provide a physical
>>       connection in order to get a signal on Rx0.  The signal attenuation in 
>> this
>>       leakage path is approx 40 dB so it is not too much different than the
>>       signal level I will receive on Rx1 if I use an external 30 dB 
>> attenuator.
>>       2. Set Rx and Tx frequency to freq 1
>>       3. Measure and note the relative phase for Rx0/Tx0 and Rx1/Tx0 for
>>       freq 1
>>       4. Set Rx and Tx frequency to freq 2
>>       5. Measure and note the relative phase for Rx0/Tx0 and Rx1/Tx0 for
>>       freq 2
>>       6. Repeat steps 2-5 a few times to ensure that the measurements
>>       are repeatable
>>    - Questions: what should I use for freq 1 and freq 2?  What waveform
>>    are you transmitting?  What sample rates for Tx and Rx?
>> Rob
>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 7:47 PM Lukas Haase via USRP-users <
>> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Rob,
>>> I think the issue is really having two usrp_multi devices with timed
>>> commands and same timestmap or similar. From your tests below:
>>> 1.) I can *confirm *that the relative phase between two RX in your
>>> suggested test is always the same! In fact, it is always 4.56 rad, even
>>> across restarts and for different frequencies! That somewhat makes sense
>>> because the phase offset is now only dependent on the difference between
>>> the two channels (fixed) and cable lengths from the splitter (fixed). I
>>> verified by removing the timed command on usrp source, the phase offset
>>> becomes random after each retune. Of course, this is independent of TX
>>> tuning (timed vs. not). For reference, this is the code used:
>>>         tune_req_rx = uhd.tune_request()
>>>         tune_req_rx.rf_freq_policy = uhd.tune_request.POLICY_NONE
>>>         tune_req_rx.dsp_freq_policy = uhd.tune_request.POLICY_MANUAL
>>>         tune_req_rx.dsp_freq = -dsp_freq
>>>         tune_req_tx = uhd.tune_request()
>>>         tune_req_tx.rf_freq_policy = uhd.tune_request.POLICY_NONE
>>>         tune_req_tx.dsp_freq_policy = uhd.tune_request.POLICY_MANUAL
>>>         tune_req_tx.dsp_freq = dsp_freq
>>>         now = usrp_sink.get_time_now()
>>>         when = now + uhd.time_spec(1.0)
>>>         usrp_sink.set_command_time(when)
>>>         usrp_source.set_command_time(when)
>>>         res1 = usrp_sink.set_center_freq(tune_req_tx)          # TX
>>>         res2 = usrp_source.set_center_freq(tune_req_rx, 0)  #RX1
>>>         res3 = usrp_source.set_center_freq(tune_req_rx, 1)  #RX2
>>>         usrp_sink.clear_command_time()
>>>         usrp_source.clear_command_time()
>>> 2.) I also tried your second suggestion. Before reading on, you wanna
>>> guess what the outcome is?
>>> I connected "TX/RX" to "RX2" on UBX #1 (TX1 --> RX1) and "TX/RX" to
>>> "RX2" on UBX #2 (TX2 --> RX2). In absence of a second 30dB attenuator I
>>> used two antennas closely spaced together. For reference, my code looks now
>>> like:
>>>         tune_req_rx = uhd.tune_request()
>>>         tune_req_rx.rf_freq_policy = uhd.tune_request.POLICY_NONE
>>>         tune_req_rx.dsp_freq_policy = uhd.tune_request.POLICY_MANUAL
>>>         tune_req_rx.dsp_freq = -dsp_freq
>>>         tune_req_tx = uhd.tune_request()
>>>         tune_req_tx.rf_freq_policy = uhd.tune_request.POLICY_NONE
>>>         tune_req_tx.dsp_freq_policy = uhd.tune_request.POLICY_MANUAL
>>>         tune_req_tx.dsp_freq = dsp_freq
>>>         now = usrp_sink.get_time_now()
>>>         when = now + uhd.time_spec(1.0)
>>>         usrp_sink.set_command_time(when)
>>>         usrp_source.set_command_time(when)
>>>         res1 = usrp_sink.set_center_freq(tune_req_tx, 0)     # TX1
>>>         res2 = usrp_sink.set_center_freq(tune_req_tx, 1)     # TX2
>>>         res3 = usrp_source.set_center_freq(tune_req_rx, 0) # RX1
>>>         res4 = usrp_source.set_center_freq(tune_req_rx, 1) # RX2
>>>         usrp_sink.clear_command_time()
>>>         usrp_source.clear_command_time()
>>> I again look at the *relative phase* of RX1 and RX2 (obtained by
>>> dividing the two) and guess what: Also now the relative phase stays
>>> constant! (This time it actually slightly varies from 3.0 rad to 3.7 rad
>>> between two different frequencies).
>>> What does that mean? I think it means that TX must be tuned coherently
>>> and RX must be tuned coherently, i.e., timed commands generally work for
>>> multiple TX's and multiple RX's *individually*. Do I get that right?
>>> What doesn't seem to work is RX+TX *together*.
>>> I am very desperately asking if you had coherent TX+RX setup working at
>>> any point or know somebody who did. It would be so much worth to know if
>>> this is something that never worked to begin with or if I'm just doing
>>> something wrong. On the other hand I don't want to believe being the only
>>> person on the planet having tried TX+RX phase coherent operation :-/
>>> Any other further suggestions on how to continue debugging with the
>>> above in mind would be helpful too.
>>> In my opinion there are two options left:
>>> 1.) There is still a nondeterministic delay between the TX and RX timed
>>> commands (to my understanding, even a constant delay would result in
>>> coherent phase)
>>> 2.) While the phase accumulators in RX are set to the same values (and
>>> in TX as well), they may be set to a different, random value.
>>> However, I don't really know how to test these.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Lukas
>>> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 13. März 2020 um 12:27 Uhr
>>> *Von:* "Rob Kossler" <rkoss...@nd.edu>
>>> *An:* "Lukas Haase" <lukasha...@gmx.at>
>>> *Cc:* "Marcus D Leech" <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>, "
>>> USRP-users@lists.ettus.com" <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
>>> *Betreff:* Re: [USRP-users] USRP X310 ignored DSP retuning on TX when
>>> using a timed command
>>> Ok, great.  I am trying to think of ways to now add the phase
>>> measurement.  Ideas...
>>>    - In order to get consistent phase, you would need to tune Rx and Tx
>>>    DSP at the same time (rather than below where you are only tuning one of
>>>    them).  So, assuming that this will not produce consistent phase results,
>>>    then maybe try the following idea...
>>>    - If you want to check just Rx DSP tuning (with fixed Tx DSP
>>>    tuning), you could try a 2 channel Rx measurement where the Tx is split
>>>    externally with 1:2 splitter in order to drive both Rx0 and Rx1.  Then,
>>>    measure the relative phase Rx0/Rx1 and then tune back and forth between 
>>> two
>>>    Rx DSP freqs to see if the relative phase on Rx remains constant.  If so,
>>>    this would give you good confidence that Rx DSP tuning is indeed 
>>> happening
>>>    synchronously
>>>    - Assuming that the Rx IS synchronous in the step above (perhaps a
>>>    bad assumption, but here goes), you could then check TX DSP tuning (with
>>>    fixed Rx DSP tuning) by using two Tx and two Rx channels with Tx0 
>>> connected
>>>    to Rx0 and Tx1 connected to Rx1.  At this point we are confident that Rx
>>>    DSP tuning is synchronous so any synchronous misbehavior would imply a Tx
>>>    sync problem.
>>> Sorry I can't think of better ideas.
>>> Rob
>>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 12:12 PM Lukas Haase <lukasha...@gmx.at> wrote:
>>>> Hi Rob,
>>>> 1.) yes, works(*)
>>>> 2.) yes, works(*)
>>>> (*): qualitatively. I set the timed command to "get_current_time() +
>>>> uhd.time_spec(2.0)" and I see the chance 2 seconds after my click on the
>>>> screen. I cannot (do not know how) check if it actually happens at
>>>> sample-precicse location.
>>>> Great, any ideas to simplify the setup would nice. I just don't know
>>>> how I could continue to debugging the phase.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Luke
>>>> Gesendet: Freitag, 13. März 2020 um 11:08 Uhr
>>>> Von: "Rob Kossler" <rkoss...@nd.edu>
>>>> An: "Lukas Haase" <lukasha...@gmx.at>
>>>> Cc: "Marcus D Leech" <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>, "
>>>> USRP-users@lists.ettus.com" <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
>>>> Betreff: Re: [USRP-users] USRP X310 ignored DSP retuning on TX when
>>>> using a timed command
>>>> Thanks Lukas,
>>>> I wanted to confirm that you did not have an older version of FPGA
>>>> firmware because there was a DDC/DUC bug fix[
>>>> https://github.com/EttusResearch/fpga/commit/0b2364653405612a6d5dfaa0e69b1c6798771e6d]
>>>> related to phase.  However, the version you provided with uhd_usrp_probe
>>>> confirms that you have the bug fix included.  So, this is not the problem.
>>>> From what you said, I assume that you can successfully do the following:
>>>> 1) with Rx tuning fixed (no re-tuning at all), tune Tx DSP only (do not
>>>> change TX RF) and you can see the frequency change at the specified command
>>>> time (i.e., if you specify the command time 1 sec in the future, the change
>>>> does not occur until 1 sec in the future).
>>>> 2) opposite of #1: with Tx tuning fixed, tune Rx DSP only and you can
>>>> see the frequency change at the specified command time.
>>>> I am trying to simplify the issue by removing RF tuning completely and
>>>> by tuning only 1 of Rx/Tx at a time.  Perhaps this will help lead to the
>>>> answer.
>>>> Rob
>>>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 10:53 AM Lukas Haase <lukasha...@gmx.at[mailto:
>>>> lukasha...@gmx.at]> wrote:Hi again Rob,
>>>> Yes, I confirm:
>>>> 1.) Finally I get the commands to execute at the same time (TX and RX
>>>> individually and both at the same time)
>>>> 2.) Yes, the phase is random after each retune, even when I retune back
>>>> to the same frequency
>>>> 3.) (2) is only true if it includes *DSP* retuning. With naalog
>>>> retuning (+integer-N retuning) I get phase coherence, as expected.
>>>> I actually expected the PLL retuning much more challenging than the DSP
>>>> retuning but for some reason it seems to be the opposite...
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Lukas
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