Hi Everyone,

I've got the i/o to registers in my core working - so the various layers of
logic from testbench through the rfnoc wrapper, control channel, my core,
and back, appear fine.

However, moving back to the chdr channel ("client interface" as per the
module created by rfnocmodtool) I see that:

-  the output
"/rfnoc_block_multiddc_tb/dut/noc_shell_multiddc_i/s_out_payload_tready" is
always 5'b00000
-  the input
"/rfnoc_block_multiddc_tb/dut/noc_shell_multiddc_i/s_out_payload_tvalid" is
driven by my core as appropriate, and happens to start at 5'b11111
-  if I manually assert the TREADY's on my core, it generates output with
correct TVALID's, TLAST's, etc.

However, I never see TREADY on
which I guess explains why
remains 5'b00000.

In the testbench I issue the commands:

         blk_ctrl.send_items(0, send_samples);
//         blk_ctrl.wait_complete(0);
         $display($time, "Send complete");
         $display($time, " TX Size='%d", send_samples.size());

         // Receive the output packet
         blk_ctrl.recv_items(0, recv_samples);

The correct number of samples are sent (verified by the waveforms in the

However, the "recv_items()" call blocks.

I'm not sure what could be causing this? (Seems like back to square 1.)

Regards, Kevin

On Fri, 16 Sept 2022 at 17:04, Kevin Williams <zs1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> No solution yet, so to summarize:
> My IP core generates TVALID's after a reset.
> These TVALID's are seen in the "client interface" of the RFNoC wrapper.
> They are not propagated to the master interface of the "framework
> interface"?
> The IP core gets the correct input data after a "send_items()" in the
> testbench, and its internal AXI signals indicate internal TVALID's over
> valid inputs etc.
> Somewhat out of ideas.
> Regards, Kevin
> On Wed, 14 Sept 2022 at 22:32, Jonathon Pendlum <
> jonathon.pend...@ettus.com> wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> To expand on Brian's and Rob's comments, one issue that often comes up is
>> user logic bugs related to AXI stream's tvalid / tready signaling. The
>> user's logic will pass their test bench but behave strangely or lock up
>> when running on hardware. I've found that before running on hardware, you
>> should at least test your block with randomized assertion of noc_shell's
>> tvalids / treadys. Here is one way to do it based on the rfnoc-example gain
>> block (
>> https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd/blob/master/host/examples/rfnoc-example/fpga/rfnoc_block_gain/rfnoc_block_gain.v
>> ):
>>   wire m_in_payload_tvalid_int, m_in_payload_tready_int;
>>   wire s_out_payload_tvalid_int, s_out_payload_tready_int;
>>   noc_shell_gain #(
>>     .CHDR_W      (CHDR_W),
>>     .MTU         (MTU)
>>   ) noc_shell_gain_i (
>>     .rfnoc_chdr_clk      (rfnoc_chdr_clk),
>>     .rfnoc_ctrl_clk      (rfnoc_ctrl_clk),
>>     .rfnoc_chdr_rst      (),
>>     .rfnoc_ctrl_rst      (),
>>     .rfnoc_core_config   (rfnoc_core_config),
>>     .rfnoc_core_status   (rfnoc_core_status),
>>     .s_rfnoc_chdr_tdata  (s_rfnoc_chdr_tdata),
>>     .s_rfnoc_chdr_tlast  (s_rfnoc_chdr_tlast),
>>     .s_rfnoc_chdr_tvalid (s_rfnoc_chdr_tvalid),
>>     .s_rfnoc_chdr_tready (s_rfnoc_chdr_tready),
>>     .m_rfnoc_chdr_tdata  (m_rfnoc_chdr_tdata),
>>     .m_rfnoc_chdr_tlast  (m_rfnoc_chdr_tlast),
>>     .m_rfnoc_chdr_tvalid (m_rfnoc_chdr_tvalid),
>>     .m_rfnoc_chdr_tready (m_rfnoc_chdr_tready),
>>     .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata  (s_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata),
>>     .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast  (s_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast),
>>     .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid (s_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid),
>>     .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tready (s_rfnoc_ctrl_tready),
>>     .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata  (m_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata),
>>     .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast  (m_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast),
>>     .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid (m_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid),
>>     .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tready (m_rfnoc_ctrl_tready),
>>     .ctrlport_clk              (ctrlport_clk),
>>     .ctrlport_rst              (ctrlport_rst),
>>     .m_ctrlport_req_wr         (m_ctrlport_req_wr),
>>     .m_ctrlport_req_rd         (m_ctrlport_req_rd),
>>     .m_ctrlport_req_addr       (m_ctrlport_req_addr),
>>     .m_ctrlport_req_data       (m_ctrlport_req_data),
>>     .m_ctrlport_resp_ack       (m_ctrlport_resp_ack),
>>     .m_ctrlport_resp_data      (m_ctrlport_resp_data),
>>     .axis_data_clk (axis_data_clk),
>>     .axis_data_rst (axis_data_rst),
>>     .m_in_payload_tdata  (m_in_payload_tdata),
>>     .m_in_payload_tkeep  (m_in_payload_tkeep),
>>     .m_in_payload_tlast  (m_in_payload_tlast),
>> *    .m_in_payload_tvalid (m_in_payload_tvalid_int),
>> .m_in_payload_tready (m_in_payload_tready_int),*
>>     .m_in_context_tdata  (m_in_context_tdata),
>>     .m_in_context_tuser  (m_in_context_tuser),
>>     .m_in_context_tlast  (m_in_context_tlast),
>>     .m_in_context_tvalid (m_in_context_tvalid),
>>     .m_in_context_tready (m_in_context_tready),
>>     .s_out_payload_tdata  (s_out_payload_tdata),
>>     .s_out_payload_tkeep  (s_out_payload_tkeep),
>>     .s_out_payload_tlast  (s_out_payload_tlast),
>> *    .s_out_payload_tvalid (s_out_payload_tvalid_int),
>> .s_out_payload_tready (s_out_payload_tready_int),*
>>     .s_out_context_tdata  (s_out_context_tdata),
>>     .s_out_context_tuser  (s_out_context_tuser),
>>     .s_out_context_tlast  (s_out_context_tlast),
>>     .s_out_context_tvalid (s_out_context_tvalid),
>>     .s_out_context_tready (s_out_context_tready)
>>   );
>>   wire [31:0] rnd;
>>   rng rng (
>>     .clk(axis_data_clk),
>>     .rst(axis_data_rst),
>>     .out(rnd));
>>   assign m_in_payload_tvalid      = m_in_payload_tvalid_int  & rnd[0];
>>   assign m_in_payload_tready_int  = m_in_payload_tready      & rnd[0];
>>   assign s_out_payload_tvalid_int = s_out_payload_tvalid     & rnd[8];
>>   assign s_out_payload_tready     = s_out_payload_tready_int & rnd[8];
>> I suggest doing something similar with your block and see if it still
>> passes your test bench.
>> Jonathon
>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 3:33 PM Rob Kossler <rkoss...@nd.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> If you run the rfnoc-example gain testbench, it should demonstrate that
>>> the testbench is providing a suitable environment for testing your custom
>>> logic or core.  Maybe see what is different between that and your
>>> testbench.
>>> If the problem turns out to be related to the "waiting for TREADY before
>>> asserting TVALID" issue presently discussed, it seems this can be solved by
>>> adding a buffer stage (register or FIFO) between your logic and the noc
>>> shell.
>>> Rob
>>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 2:11 PM Brian Padalino <bpadal...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 1:55 PM Kevin Williams <zs1...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Brian. I think the core gets generated in a way which respects
>>>>> back-pressure, so unless a TREADY is seen the core does not generate 
>>>>> output
>>>>> samples. I have observed this by simulating the core in isolation.
>>>> On 14 Sep 2022, 17:49 +0200, Brian Padalino <bpadal...@gmail.com>,
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I believe the AXI spec says that data should be presented when valid,
>>>>> and the tready signal just accepts that data.  You can't rely on tready to
>>>>> be asserted before asserting tvalid.
>>>>> With that being said, I have no idea if this is the source of any of
>>>>> your issues.
>>>>> Brian
>>>> I don't quite understand what you said.  To copy from the AXI protocol
>>>> spec (
>>>> https://documentation-service.arm.com/static/60d5b244677cf7536a55c23e?token=)
>>>> section 2.2:
>>>>   "A Transmitter is not permitted to wait until TREADY is asserted
>>>> before asserting TVALID. Once TVALID is
>>>> asserted, it must remain asserted until the handshake occurs.
>>>>   A Receiver is permitted to wait for TVALID to be asserted before
>>>> asserting TREADY. It is permitted that a
>>>> Receiver asserts and deasserts TREADY without TVALID being asserted."
>>>> Waiting for TREADY to be asserted is invalid as a transmitter.
>>>> Is something not compliant and causing deadlock?
>>>> Brian
> --
> Kevin Williams

Kevin Williams
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