Hi Wade,

Thanks, that has made things a lot clearer now! (I see context header
manipulations being done in other rfnoc blocks, of which I hadn't realized
the importance.)

Regards, Kevin

On Wed, 28 Sept 2022 at 21:11, Wade Fife <wade.f...@ettus.com> wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> The BFM for CHDR does some checks to make sure packets are formatted
> correctly. The error message means the "Length" field in the CHDR header
> doesn't match the length of the AXI-Stream packet.
> The chdr_to_item call is giving a warning because it's expecting a
> multiple of 32-bits (ITEM_W = 32, or 4 bytes per item) but num_bytes is not
> a multiple of 4.
> Wade
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 5:24 AM Kevin Williams <zs1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> What does the following mean?
>> I am getting packets sent to an IP core I generated, and this is the
>> result of a blk_ctrl.recv_items() in my testbench.
>> The first few packets are correct.
>> I can see that 64-bit CHDR words are correctly unpacked, and 2 x 16-bit
>> I/Q samples are injected into the core, and vice-versa, which leads me to
>> believe I have the buses mapped correctly etc.
>> Regards, Kevin
>> Error: ChdrPacket::axis_to_chdr: Incorrect CHDR length
>> Time: 2445 ns  Iteration: 0  Process:
>> /PkgChdrBfm/ChdrBfm(CHDR_W=64,USER_WIDTH=1)::get_chdr  File:
>> /home/kwilliams/rfnoc/uhd/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgChdrBfm.sv
>> Warning: ChdrData::chdr_to_item: num_bytes is not a multiple of items
>> Time: 2445 ns  Iteration: 0  Process:
>> /PkgChdrIfaceBfm/ChdrIfaceBfm(CHDR_W=64,ITEM_W=32)::recv_items  File:
>> /home/kwilliams/rfnoc/uhd/fpga/usrp3/sim/rfnoc/PkgChdrIfaceBfm.sv
>> --
>> Kevin Williams
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