On 16/08/2023 17:26, Johnny Samuels via USRP-users wrote:
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On Aug 16, 2023, at 5:17 PM, Wade Fife <wade.f...@ettus.com> wrote:

You are correct about INGRESS_BUFF_SIZE. It's only used to buffer data that the stream endpoint receives from another endpoint (e.g., data sent from the host computer to a stream endpoint). There's no extra buffering in the sending stream endpoint. For normal RX where we stream to a host computer, the computer's memory serves as the buffer.

In your case, if you need extra buffering then I would expect that to be added to your block. You can change the FIFO sizes in the NoC shell to add buffering to your block, depending on the type of NoC shell you're using.

Changing the MTU on the FPGA isn't well tested, so I don't recommend changing it.

Is the overflow occurring in the radio? If that's the case, then you probably need additional buffering on the input of your block where data's received by the radio.


On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 10:45 AM <jmalo...@umass.edu> wrote:

    For my application, I am not collecting samples continuously. The
    radio block is commanded to stream continuously, but I have a
    custom block downstream which “gates” samples in bursts that pass
    through. I am able to at least stream data without any overflows
    as long as the number of samples the custom block allows is not
    too big, which is why I am assuming its a buffer that is too
    small. My assumption is as long as my buffers are large enough
    and the total number of samples of each burst is less than 10
    Gb/s, samples should be able to unload onto the QSFP before the
    next burst of samples. This is why I increased the endpoint
    buffer sizes.

    However, looking over the verilog, it seems INGRESS_BUFF_SIZE
    only controls the buffer size of the input going into the
    block(before gating), and not the output(after gating), which is
    probably why I am still seeing overflows at the same exact rate
    even after increasing the buffer size. Is this interpretation
    correct, and if so, is it “safe” to control MTU, or will it cause
    other problems downstream?

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