* Avi Kivity <a...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 01/27/2010 10:24 AM, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>Not to mention that that process could wreck the trace data rendering it
> >>>utterly unreliable.
> >>It could, but it also might not.  Are we going to deny high performance
> >>tracing to users just because it doesn't work in all cases?
> >Tracing and monitoring is foremost about being able to trust the instrument,
> >then about performance and usability. That's one of the big things about
> >ftrace and perf.
> >
> >By proposing 'user space tracing' you are missing two big aspects:
> >
> >  - That self-contained, kernel-driven tracing can be replicated in 
> > user-space.
> >    It cannot. Sharing and global state is much harder to maintain reliably,
> >    but the bigger problem is that user-space can stomp on its own tracing
> >    state and can make it unreliable. Tracing is often used to figure out 
> > bugs,
> >    and tracers will be trusted less if they can stomp on themselves.
> >
> >  - That somehow it's much faster and that this edge matters. It isnt and it
> >    doesnt matter. The few places that need very very fast tracing wont use 
> > any
> >    of these facilities - it will use something specialized.
> >
> >So you are creating a solution for special cases that dont need it, and you
> >are also ignoring prime qualities of a good tracing framework.
> I see it exactly the opposite.  Only a very small minority of cases will 
> have such severe memory corruption that tracing will fall apart because of 
> random writes to memory; especially on 64-bit where the address space is 
> sparse.  On the other hand, knowing that the cost is a few dozen cycles 
> rather than a thousand or so means that you can trace production servers 
> running full loads without worrying about whether tracing will affect 
> whatever it is you're trying to observe.
> I'm not against slow reliable tracing, but we shouldn't ignore the need for 
> speed.

I havent seen a conscise summary of your points in this thread, so let me 
summarize it as i've understood them (hopefully not putting words into your 
mouth): AFAICS you are arguing for some crazy fragile architecture-specific 
solution that traps INT3 into ring3 just to shave off a few cycles, and then 
use user-space state to trace into.

If so then you ignore the obvious solution to _that_ problem: dont use INT3 at 
all, but rebuild (or re-JIT) your program with explicit callbacks. It's _MUCH_ 
faster than _any_ breakpoint based solution - literally just the cost of a 
function call (or not even that - i've written very fast inlined tracers - 
they do rock when it comes to performance). Problem solved and none of the 
INT3 details matters at all.

INT3 only matters to _transparent_ probing, and for that, the cost of INT3 is 
almost _by definition_ less important than the fact that we can do transparent 
tracing. If performance were the overriding issue they'd use dedicated 
callbacks - and the INT3 technique wouldnt matter at all.

( Also, just like we were able to extend the kprobes code with more and more
  optimizations, the same can be done with any user-space probing as well, to 
  make it faster. But at the core of it has to be a sane design that is 
  transparent and controlled by the kernel, so that it has the option to apply 
  more and more otimizations - yours isnt such and its limitations are 
  designed-in. Which is neither smart nor useful. )


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