A friend sent me this question and I, knowing little about frontpage, toss
it out to the all-knowing UUG wizards:

I have apache 1.3.29 setup with suexec and a chroot patch.  So all scripts
are setuid/setgid to the user defined in httpd.conf as the owner of each
site.  They are also chrooted, by suexec, to the directory set

For example, I have a test domain called drago.hth.  It is located in
:/www/d/r/drago.hth/  And this is where the chroot exists. (I know the
chroot works because php and perl work, and I can sftp in and be chrooted,

Below this is a /html directory where I am trying to install frontpage

My problem :

So, I get mod_frontpage and install it, restart apache, no errors.

I use owsadm.exe to install the extensions in the above /html directory.

Then I try to login with frontpage and see "Cannot find file" for shtml.exe.

So, I read that owsadm.exe doesn't install that, and mod_frontpage should
call it from /usr/local/frontpage.

But I install them manually, copy in shtml.exe and other needed binaries. 
Then when i visit drago.hth/_vti_bin/shtml.exe through konqueror it asks
me if I want to download shtml.exe.  So I make _vti_bin a script alias in

THEN, I check the suexec log, and it seems to be going to execute shtml.exe

[2004-03-08 18:26:26]: info: (target/actual) uid: (drago/drago)
gid:-(website/website) cmd: shtml.exe
[2004-03-08 18:26:26]: emerg: exec'ing (shtml.exe) in
new_root(/www/d/r/drago.hth) in path (/html/_vti_bin)

But all I get is a frontpage error.  Am I doing something wrong? 
Completely missing a step?  I don't want to patch apache, the module
should work, I don't need users to create subwebs or change httpd.conf.




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