On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 07:29 -0700, Andrew Jorgensen wrote:
> Several things regarding the mirrors on the UUG website:
> 1) When should we expire old releases?  For instance, we still have
> Fedora 2 and SuSE 9.1.  If we got rid of them we could add something
> else to the site.

Ditch them.

> 2) Should we get rid of the Debian mirror and replace it with an
> Ubuntu mirror?  Ubuntu would be a more manageable set of packages (we
> could just mirror main and restricted).  I'm not sure who even uses
> our mirror in their sources.list, and half the time the mirroring
> scripts are broken anyway.  And besides, I likes Ubuntu way better
> than Debian.


> 3) What else should we mirror?  Have a look at what we currently
> have[1] and then figure that we have about 28GB free still, plus
> whatever we get when we delete an old release.  Some buffer space
> needs to be left for new releases.  As you consider what else we might
> mirror please consider also that there are other sites on-campus
> mirroring other distros (like Mandrake[2], for which Astronomy may
> still have a mirror, and whatever all the CS dept[3] is mirroring).

I vote for the latest CentOS isos, as well as the absolute latest Fedora
Core isos (don't hang onto 3 once 4 is released).

If you wanted to, you could mirror the RPM repositories from freshrpms,
dag, etc, but that is pretty huge.

I agree about putting up the first ISO of the latest FreeBSD release.
Also the latest version of the SSS iso would be nice.

We can't have everything, although it would be nice.

> 4) Should mirror-master be added to the job description of the
> webmaster?  I've been  keeping an eye on the mirrors merely as a
> volunteer.  Hans and Harsh may also be watching over it for all I
> know.
> [1] http://uug.byu.edu/ftp/
> [2] ...which I'd rather not mirror anyway
> [3] ftp://ftp.cs.byu.edu/pub/
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> BYU Unix Users Group 
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