On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Mark Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, in light of my USB Drive failure/scare/recovory I've decided to
> add another layer to my backup solution. (If it's not coppied twice it
> might as well be gone).
> Here's what I'm looking for.  A little utility/program/suite whatever
> that I can point at what I want to backup and have it create backup
> files in the appropriate size to backup to DVDs. (DVD backup has a
> higher wife acceptance rate than external USB drive).
> I've looked into amanda, I think it will do all I want. (backup to
> external usb drive, AND files big enough for DVD).  It seem rather
> complicated.

Have you looked into bacula?  Very flexible system, but may suffer from the
complexity problem.

You also might want to be aware that a lot of the writable optical media
simply fails to work after 3-5 years.  This has happened to a couple people
I know including me.

Joshua Draper
BYU Unix Users Group 

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