On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 12:51:49AM -0600, Eduardo Sanz-Garcia wrote:

>    I feel that the topics of the meetings have been too technical for
>    newbies. I only said that other aspect of Linux, no so technical should be
>    covered so no newbie feels intimidates by all you guys.

We've tried doing newbie meetings before.  It seemed that the newbies
never wanted to come.  You don't need a meeting to teach you how to use
OpenOffice; anyone can figure that out.

In other words, the club should target newbies that don't want to be
newbies anymore.  Simple meetings about setting up a web server or a
file server are great.  Meetings about networking or Vim vs. Emacs are
great.  I completely agree that it's important to keep a balance between
these topics and more technical ones.  However, we should steer away
from meetings that have newbie in the title because the newbies don't
come.  This is especially true now that Fedora and Ubuntu are getting so
easy to use.

Andrew McNabb
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