Todd Millecam wrote:
> Well, it's that time of year again--the end of winter semester.  As if
> you didn't have enough to worry about with finals and all that, its time
> for you UUG-leadership hopefuls to be campaigning too!
> If anyone is interested in running, please post to the list within this
> next week so we can put you on the polls.  Also feel free to campaign on
> the list when you announce yourself.  Campaign up to the day the polls
> close.
> The positions to fill are:
> President
> Vice President
> Secretary
> Librarian
> Webmaster
> I'd like to have elections over with by Friday April 17th.  We'll have
> polls open for at least a week, but we can't open them until at least
> one person is running for every position.
> Good luck!
> --
> Todd

I nominate myself for Librarian.
I also nominate the esteemed Andrew McNabb for President.

BYU Unix Users Group 

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