I have been poring over some instructions with dealing with LVM and I need some 
help in clarifying what I actually need to do with my real-live situation.

When the RHEL server that is hosting our Web site was set up, I guess it was 
automatically configured by the setup process. I didn't notice until I started 
having some errors that the /var directory was only allotted 2GB. We pay for 
50GB, but it has become my responsibility to reconfigure the LVM so that we use 
as much of the 50GB as possible for the Web site.

Below are df -h and lvmdiskscan outputs. A few days ago I tried to increase the 
size of the vg-var directly using lvextend, but it said I needed  32 extents 
when 0 were available. I'm not sure where to go from here. Any ideas?


Filesystem                       Size      Used     Avail   Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg-root     2.0G     651M    1.3G    35%       /
/dev/mapper/vg-home   992M   34M     908M   4%        /home
/dev/mapper/vg-usr       5.9G     3.0G     2.6G     54%      /usr
/dev/mapper/vg-tmp     2.0G      207M   1.7G     11%      /tmp
/dev/mapper/vg-var      2.0G      1.8G     103M    95%     /var
/dev/sda1                       99M       19M     76M     20%     /boot
tmpfs                              1006M    0          1006M   0%     /dev/shm

# lvmdiskscan
  /dev/ramdisk  [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/root     [        2.00 GB]
  /dev/ram      [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/sda1     [      101.94 MB]
  /dev/vg/home  [        1.00 GB]
  /dev/ram2     [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/sda2     [       19.89 GB] LVM physical volume
  /dev/vg/usr   [        6.00 GB]
  /dev/ram3     [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/vg/tmp   [        2.00 GB]
  /dev/ram4     [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/vg/var   [        2.00 GB]
  /dev/ram5     [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/vg/swap0 [        2.00 GB]
  /dev/ram6     [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/vg/opt   [       54.84 GB]
  /dev/ram7     [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/ram8     [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/ram9     [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/ram10    [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/ram11    [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/ram12    [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/ram13    [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/ram14    [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/ram15    [       16.00 MB]
  /dev/sdb      [       50.00 GB] LVM physical volume
  8 disks
  16 partitions
  1 LVM physical volume whole disk
  1 LVM physical volume

Web developer
Graduate Studies
105 FPH , 422-5120

BYU Unix Users Group 

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