A kind of follow-up with the new leadership topic:

Samuel Moses and Ross Woodside have been appointed to the positions of
Librarian and Webmaster, respectively.

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 12:23 PM, Logan Gunnell

> Hello Unix Users,
> On behalf of the the whole new BYU UUG leadership we wanted to express our
> thanks to the previous UUG leadership for their work and knowledge.
> Hayden, Brewer and I have talked about the things we would like to do for
> the UUG and it basically boils down to two things. One, we want to increase
> the number of meetings and presentations held on campus and two, we want to
> increase the number of on campus group members.
> As we make the push to have more meetings and presentations, we would like
> feedback from everyone as to what topics we should discuss in member
> meetings, presentation topics, and suggestions for presenters. We want to
> know what you want to hear or know about.
> To start off we are going to host a Unix Install-Fest in a couple of
> weeks. More details will be announced soon. Whether or not you want to try
> out a new distro you should still come by. It will be a good opportunity to
> personally meet other members of the group and maybe introduce your friends
> to Unix-like Operating Systems.
> We really want to increase the Unix and Open Source community here at BYU
> and we are open to any and all ideas for the group.
> Thanks!
> Logan Gunnell, Hayden Panike, & Brewer Johnson
BYU Unix Users Group

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