our logging broke after a redeployment and I can't seem to figure out what is 
going on.  The loglevel keeps dropping to DEBUG as if nothing is configured.  
(it's support to be ERROR or CRITICAL)

our stack looks like this:

1. supervisord invokes uwsgi


2. uwsgi invokes pyramid

max-requests = 1000
carbon =
harakiri = 20
http-timeout = 20
logto = /var/log/pyramid/uwsgi.log
master = true
mypaste = /var/www/sites/tag-current_production/daemons/pyramid/production.ini
paste = config:%(mypaste) 
paste-logger = %(mypaste) 
pidfile = /tmp/pyramid.pid
processes = 8
socket = /tmp/pyramid.sock
socket-timeout = 20
uid = www-data
virtualenv = /var/www/sites/virtualenv

3. pyramid sets up logging

I've tried redeploying this a handful of ways:
        * no uwsgi.ini, pass in command line args for all
        * separate uwgi & pyramid configs vs a unified uwsgi+paste config file
        * ini-paste vs ini-paste-logged

none of them worked.   i'm missing something obvious, but can't figure it out 
alone anymore.  help, please!

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