> our logging broke after a redeployment and I can't seem to figure out what
> is going on.  The loglevel keeps dropping to DEBUG as if nothing is
> configured.  (it's support to be ERROR or CRITICAL)
> our stack looks like this:
> 1. supervisord invokes uwsgi
>       /var/www/sites/virtualenv/bin/uwsgi
>            --ini-paste
> /var/www/sites/tag-current_production/daemons/pyramid/production-uwsgi.ini
> 2. uwsgi invokes pyramid
> [uwsgi]
> max-requests = 1000
> carbon =
> harakiri = 20
> http-timeout = 20
> logto = /var/log/pyramid/uwsgi.log
> master = true
> mypaste =
> /var/www/sites/tag-current_production/daemons/pyramid/production.ini
> paste = config:%(mypaste)
> paste-logger = %(mypaste)
> pidfile = /tmp/pyramid.pid
> processes = 8
> socket = /tmp/pyramid.sock
> socket-timeout = 20
> uid = www-data
> virtualenv = /var/www/sites/virtualenv
> 3. pyramid sets up logging
> I've tried redeploying this a handful of ways:
>       * no uwsgi.ini, pass in command line args for all
>       * separate uwgi & pyramid configs vs a unified uwsgi+paste config file
>       * ini-paste vs ini-paste-logged
> none of them worked.   i'm missing something obvious, but can't figure it
> out alone anymore.  help, please!


can you paste the startup lines of /var/log/pyramid/uwsgi.log ?

Roberto De Ioris
uWSGI mailing list

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