> Hello,
> The following question is a continuation of the one I asked in the
> SQLAlchemy Google group:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sqlalchemy/QT_jIVPzsDA
> What I see in the server logs are repeated but seemingly random “Packet
> sequence number wrong - got 102 expected 8” DB exceptions. The Google
> groups discussion suggested a threading issue which I am now trying to
> understand.
> I’m running uwsgi with nginx, with this configuration:
> <uwsgi>
>   <master>true</master>
>   <wsgi-file>/var/www/…/venv/myapp-uwsgi.py</wsgi-file>
>   <socket>/var/run/…/myapp.sock</socket>
>   <show-config>true</show-config>
>   <processes>2</processes>
>   <threads>2</threads>
>   <uid>nginx</uid>
>   <gid>nginx</gid>
>   <chmod-socket>700</chmod-socket>
>   <chown-socket>nginx</chown-socket>
>   <plugins>python35</plugins>
>   <virtualenv>/var/www/…/venv</virtualenv>
> </uwsgi>
> To disable multithreading, I changed <threads> to 1, but that seemed to
> have locked up the app server and no requests arrived.
> Any hints or suggestions or experiences of what could be going on here
> would be great!
> Thanks!
> Jens
> --
> Jens Tröger
> http://savage.light-speed.de/

It looks like you are having a prefork issue. Just add lazy-apps to the
options to have a more 'friendly' setup for sqlalchemy pool

Roberto De Ioris
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