I just spent hours, on this and more than a little frustrated by it all.

But I implemented a uwsgi site with python and django and I wrote a .ini file and I run it with "uwsgi my.ini" see a beautiful console trace and my website works. It talks to lighttpd over a unix domain socket. Happy chappy, nice site.

Now the uwsgi package on Debian derivatives is nice in that it also installs a uwsgi service and app I have to do is put my .ini file in:


and then and restart the service ("service uwsgi restart" works, as does "/etc/init.d/uwsgi restart" and "systemctl start uwsgi" because Ubuntu systems are now running under systemd which maintains backward compatibility with other init services, but that is a digression, they all do the same thing) and my web site though is defunct. No service available.

The log file reports an endless stream of worker deaths and respawns, workers dying because they fail to load the mono plugin. What? I have nothing to do with mono here. I mean I like mono and am a C# developer even, but hey, this webserver hasn't come close to mono in any way shape or form. What gives? And why?

To cut a long story short, loads of tracing effort and step throughs and tests later, it boils down to the fact that service loads another .ini file prior to mine (/usr/share/uwsgi/conf/defaul.ini) and in that file this one line:

# try to autoload appropriate plugin if "unknown" option has been specified
autoload = true

is to blame. If I comment it out, my website runs fine with uwsgi as a service now. But autoload if true, wants to load the mono plugin! Why?

The documentation is meagre saying only:


   Try to automatically load plugins when unknown options are found.

(see https://uwsgi-docs-additions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Options.html).

So it seems it' finding an unknown option, and thinks mono is needed for that option?

So to check what the source of this unknown option might be, I put "autoload = true" into my.ini and ran it manually. Website works fine, no attempt to load the mono plugin.

So the source of the unknown option must be default.ini which contains:

   master = true
   autoload = true
   workers = 2
   no-orphans = true
   pidfile = /run/uwsgi/%(deb-confnamespace)/%(deb-confname)/pid
   socket = /run/uwsgi/%(deb-confnamespace)/%(deb-confname)/socket
   chmod-socket = 660
   log-date = true
   uid = www-data
   gid = www-data

(comments removed). Which of those options might be suggesting to uwsgi that the mon plugin is needed? Bizarre as!

Now I have a working setup by removing "autoload = true" from the default.ini, but I am driven by a desire to understand what caused this bizarre behaviour that robbed me hours of my life to diagnose, and fix!

I could, play around  a little more still, knocking out one line after another from default.ini to see if it still wants to load the mono plugin. Maybe, if I make time for it. Time for bed now ;-).

What I think is lacking is:

1) Good documentation on what autoload loads and why (what triggers a load, i.e. is seen as an unknown option that needs a given module, or whatever else drives it)

2) A way to diagnose what it would load? Maybe not "autoload = true", but a directive ("autoload = transparent") to print on stdout (or to log file) the modules it wants to load and why!

3) Given how darned irritatingly time consuming tracing this has been, there is no reason I can see that "autoload = true" should be packaged into the Debian package for uwsgi. I see it as totally find for end users to explicitly load the plugins they need (I explicitly have "plugins = python3" in my.ini).

Good night, and thanks in advance for any constructive and insightful responses should they come,


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