On 02/03/2019 14:04, Tamer Higazi wrote:
> 2. And with your comment "So please help to scale the application for
> concurrent users."
> is very unpolite.

I think it was just badly written english. I don't think they meant to
be unpolite.

On 02/03/2019 14:04, Tamer Higazi wrote:
> 1. Get yourself propper hardware, that would solve perhaps by 80% your
> problems.
> Here is a good starting point:
> http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/load_balancing.html
> https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Broodlord.html
> https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Fastrouter.html
> On 01.03.19 07:27, Ashraf Mohamed wrote:
>> I have a flask application which is running in nginx server and i am
>> unbale to serve the application for more then 20 users (concurrently)
>> as its gets break.
>> *_APP Architecture:_*
>> I have 2 application running on different servers app 1(using for
>> frontend ) and app 2( using for REST API Calls) both are flask
>> applications

I highly suspect the application is deadlocking on itself. I don't
recommend building a web application that keeps the HTTP stream open
while doing a long job. You should pass the job to a worker in backend
and answer to the client right away. Then the client should poll on
another endpoint regularly to check on what's the job status.

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