okay, I didn't see the AWS term..... had tomatos on my eyes.

You have a dual core CPU (perhaps 32 bit even) and then with 4GB RAM.

Main problem!? Really!?

He's on AWS of couse it's 64bits, 2 CPU cores is a LOT of power for more
than 20 users, I serve 50 concurent user on AWS with a SINGLE core,
and 1GB of RAM, that doesn't scratch 1% of CPU usage and it is writting to
Postgres DB all the time, surely I don't use python/flask but 4GB is more than
enough for that.

ahhhhhh..... that is of course one other thing.

I apologize.

Now for the log error message that is a bit unclear what happens,
trying to mimic the problem with 'wrk' and perhaps a simple app
to reproduce would help better.

Install terminator, split the screen

one for:
tail -f /var/log/myapp.log

the other for:

to see how the performance and at the point of crash is written....

I would advise that.

best, Tamer

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