I have a Django project configured with uwsgi and Nginx. The issue is that
I am getting lot of 502 Bad gateway. The nginx error log says (104:
Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream.
Looks like uwsgi is not able to give response for some of the requests.
Below is my uwsgi configuration. Could the issue be due to the bad uwsgi
configuration ? I have an ec2 t3.medium instance it has two vCPUs. These
502 gateways increase when the site load increases. Sometimes the processor
is 100%, that is when the we get more of this error. I am thinking of
upgrading the server to t3.xlarge which has 4 vCPUs. But how to make sure
the issue is with the server performance ? Please check the uwsgi
configuration and see if there is any issue with the configuration.

 master          = true
 socket          = /tmp/uwsgi.sock
 chmod-socket    = 666
 chdir           = <dir_path>
 wsgi-file       = <wsgi.py path>
 processes       = 16
 threads         = 8
 cpu-affinity    = 1
 max-worker-lifetime = 3600
 max-requests = 1000
 reload-on-rss = 2048
 worker-reload-mercy = 60
 virtualenv      = <ven_path>
 vacuum          = true
 enable-threads  = true
 daemonize= <log_path>
 stats= <stats_path>
 buffer-size = 65535
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