As long as we're on the subject of drag racing, what's considered a good 60'
time on a stock Vmax?  I got to take a few runs on my Weds. night
(Thunderbird Raceway, Muskegon, MI) before we got rained out, and managed a
2.004 sec. 60' on my third pass (ended up being a 11.9 @ 115, but the wind
was getting pretty bad by this point).  Not bad, but I get the feeling that
I could improve that quite a bit, too.  I was getting a lot of wheelspin in
1st, but my rear K591 is totally shot (due for replacement this week).   

I'm no expert, so I'm just wondering what a good "target" 60' time would be
for me.  The reason I'm so obsessed with it is that I know I'm pulling
decent shifts, and I know my launches are pretty weak so I'm going to focus
my improvement there.  

Although I only got three runs on the 'max, I can tell I'll be back out
there again.  

Eric Bryant
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