Max Rider wrote:
Hmmm, nothing on "The Professors" site either... Your right! Your club
should be writing about all the Mad Max, PCW, UFO, etc, etc,
It is NOT only "My Club" if you are a member is YOUR Club too!!
new stuff on
their site and mag since all those guys are members.
Why not?? if we can write about Rallies, burnouts, get together, why not write about the development on an V-Max engine that nobody tried before??
Someones got to do it
if the vendors themselves aren't going to! How are people supposed to find
out about this stuff anyway? I think your club should host all their web
sites too. Maybe even club members could go to these businesses and
volunteer time to work on customers bikes... One big Vmax family!
Now, I understand why you keep repeating "Your Club" over and over.
Maybe you should crawl back into the cave you came from, huh??


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