> mario i remember their MIS fortunes but IM going by my experience only.  Ive
> logged on 10,000 since April 2000 , w/ minor suspension and carburation
> problems. Knock on wood the block is still running strong. ive ridden to
> Ontario, Tennessee, Lake George, Pennsylvania, and Lebanon Valley all in 5
> months. I started off with a young 96 motor w/14
> K on the meter.

See Dave, you just made the point for me!! You, Colin and many other guys have
been running the Tourmaster without a single problem, but unfortunately a few
others weren't so lucky and they blew up.
Exactly the same happened to Paul's bikes, some are still running without a glitch
and others blew up.
My problem is WHY Paul doesn't get the respect he deserves??? Only the negative is
shown about him, WHY???
Engines blow up even in Factory Supported Teams that dump millions of dollars for
a single racing season that have a team of 15 mechanics working on them, plus the
factory R&D engineering department. (Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Ducati SBK Teams)
But, here we have a bunch of guys that have never met Paul, or never had anything
done by him, and using what they've heard from third or fourth parties, are
constantly hammering him to death.
Do you think he deserves this??? I don't!!!
Building an engine is like sawing off the barrel of a shotgun
You have 50/50 changes it will work. Some shoot without a problem for a long time,
and some blow up on your face at the second shot.


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