Sat, I have one of the RMS full-treatments in basket-weave.  I'm a long 34"
and my bones creak and pop like an old haybarn in a windstorm.  So I'm
pretty fussy about my creature comforts.  The RMS or the UFO seats are nice,
but the're not a panacea.  For me the real plus is the way they put you "in
the pocket" for that hour or two before you get numb.  For me, once that
time's up, there's nothing short of a walk-around break or pharmaceutical
aid to make me feel better.  And since I don't ride under the influence, I
too am looking for a better seat.

There's a guy, Panther, that took a different approach.  He took his seat to
a local upholsterer and had them strip off the vinyl & padding, permanently
secure the center piece to the front, then repad and recover to his specs.
He said it cost him a grand, but it's worth it for the comfort.  It can be
seen on Ingo's site under "2000".  The front piece now detaches completely
for gas fillups.

I've been tossing around the idea of having a custom pan hammered out and
take it to Sargents to have it covered in leather.  The gas filler is one of
the kinks I haven't worked out yet.  I'm wondering if I prepped then brazed
a 90 out to the side, then another 90 up & back, if it could be made to fit
without sticking out like a sore thumb.  Another possibility is, since I
already have one of "H"'s aux tanks, I could dispense with the stock filler
altogether and just use the filler on the aux tank.  As you can tell, I've
been giving this some thought.  How much are you willing to spend to get
satisfaction?  Like all other things with the 'Max, it comes down to the
currency.  A little tenacity doesn't hurt either. ;^)

> Uh Steve,
> You didn't respond to the question. e.g. I'm 6'3" with a 35" inseam.
> Lowering my seat 3" would cramp my legs up like a gorilla on a
> kiddie trike.
> Since the seat to peg distance on a stock seat leaves me cramped already,
> lowering it another 3" really doesn't seem like a great idea. I'm
> looking to
> go the other way and it appears Corbin is the only option. If anybody else
> has long legs and an aftermarket seat they like, I'm all ears. I really am
> not even slightly interested in hearing how many happy ownders of RMS and
> UFO seats there are unless those owners have inseams over 34". If I really
> wanted to have my legs more pretzelled I'd get a Ducati.
> best,
> Sat Tara

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