LGTM. My only real concern is the timing of the commit; I'd prefer not
to get this pushed to trunk as part of the 1.0.4 push that I hope we can
land real soon (blocked on issue 265).

File src/api.cc (right):

Line 1950: return v8::Local<v8::Value>();
Couldn't this just be Local<Value>()? There are a lot of v8:: prefix
that aren't strictly needed in other places too.

File src/heap.h (right):

Line 198: V(hidden_symbol, "...hidden...")
I think this way of hiding the hidden properties has to be fixed before
we can land this change on trunk. I have no worries landing it on
bleeding_edge though, but I would prefer it if that could be postponed
until we have pushed 1.0.4 (which includes a bunch of compiler changes).

File src/objects.cc (right):

Line 5070: if (!this->HasProperty(key)) {
You end up doing two lookups for the hidden properties here. One for the
HasProperty and one for the GetProperty. Maybe this isn't a big deal
because you'll have to rewrite this anyway when you change the way you
hide the properties, but you may want to use a LocalLookup instead.

Line 5073: if (create_if_needed) {
I might be inclined to change this to an early bailout check instead: if
(!create_if_needed) return Heap::undefined_value()


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