it's currently disabled because it (a) tanks performance

This is not quite true - it regressed Splay.Latency (~20%), but was performance
neutral on the other benchmarks on Arm
and the overall regression on Octane was pretty small (~1-2%). It was enabled
for quite some time on Arm without anyone
complaining about performance ;).

(b) breaks the marking invariant.

This was the reason it was reverted on Arm. Jaroslav wrote a test which exposes this issue at: The main issue is that when an IC transitions to a new state, it will update a constant pool entry with a new pointer (which will be marked White by the GC - i.e., untraced). If the code object was already marked Black then it will be remarked as marked Gray (requiring another rescan), but the constant pool remains black even although it
now contains a white pointer - this is bad.

The fix is to mark the OOL constant pool as gray when the IC transition happens, but this requires a bit of plumbing and I've not had a chance to make this fix. I've filed a bug with the discussion of this problem and some more details at: - feel free to pick it up.

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