As we have discussed at various occasions recently, we generally want to
move in the direction of having C++ implementations of spec-defined
behavior. That raises the question of where this code should live.

As an example of the kind of code we're talking about, consider
panic, is not the intended final place for this code to
live -- the very purpose of this thread is to figure out a better place.)*,
but there are also other, existing examples (like various ToXXX conversion
functions, a bunch of things spread across runtime-*.cc, the JS
implementations littered with runtime calls that we want to replace, ...).

Options I can think of:

(1) Put everything into
+ Makes a lot of sense for things like DefineOwnProperty_Array, which could
just be a static function JSArray::DefineOwnProperty.
+ Is an easy approach in the sense of being consistent with existing code
structure (is that a good thing?)
− It's not clear how this approach maps to non-HeapObjects like the new
class PropertyDescriptor
− I like having some distinction between high-level spec-defined operations
like "DefineOwnProperty" and low-level V8 implementation details like
MigrateToMap -- installing both on the same class JSObject feels like a
recipe for confusion.
− objects.h/.cc are too big as it is, IMHO (of course this point is moot
if/when we split it up)

(2) Put everything in runtime-*.cc
+ Works, and there's plenty of precedent.
− AFAIK we have pretty wide consensus that that's not what we want.
− A concrete technical drawback is a lack of callability from other places.

(3) Create a new directory, put everything there.
+ All reference implementations would be in one place
+ Can use individual files for further grouping if desired. Is that
desired? What file structure would be good?
+ Personally I think we need more separation of things anyway, this is a
step in that direction
• next question: how to call that directory? src/spec/? src/es6/?
/src/blue/? (blue sheds are nice)
− For some things it might be unclear where to put them; our "abstractions"
are (necessarily?) leaky
− New thing to get used to; inconsistency while it's a work in progress

(4) Organize by spec chapter, e.g. put OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty into
src/es2015/ch9/ or somesuch
+ If applied consistently, makes it easy to find things that are already
implemented, which avoids duplication
− the resulting grouping may or may not make sense (it's up to the spec)
− ugly

Personally I'm leaning towards some variant of (3), but I'm open to being
convinced otherwise. (1) sounds like a temporary solution to me; why not go
for a longer-term plan right away?

Thoughts? Other ideas? Indifference?

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