I'm looking to trace the JS as it executes and I think I'm looking in the 
wrong places.

I have read over the embedding documentation and spent a sometime both 
playing around and reading over the source code to better understand the 
project. I'm starting to understand parts of the code at this point though 
still not most of it yet.

What I'm trying to do is turn code like this.

var x = "1 + ";

var y eval(x + " 2");

var z = String.fromCharCode(189, 43, 190, 61);

into something like this.

var x = "1 + ";

eval("1 + 2");
var y = 3;

String.fromCharCode(189, 43, 190, 61);
z = "½+¾=";

With what I currently know of V8 this would require adding some kind of 
print statement to every function that can be called which would in turn be 
rather long and drawn out. I'm also wondering if there is some kind of 
tracing system that is already part of V8 for this.

Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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