Hi Folks,
Wondering if anyone has seen this type of issue before and can help me out. 
I'm trying to build V8 on Windows per the instructions here:

Windows 10
Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise with the C/C++ Workflow Components installed 
(so, ATL, MFC, much, but not all of, the Windows 10 SDK)
Added additional Windows 10 SDK components as I discovered they were 
needed. For example, the debugger component seems to be required but that 
SDK component isn't laid down by Visual Studio's installer.

Got to step 7 which meant I had built with no errors and ran all the tests. 
I assume the run tests step runs tests with the binaries I actually built 
and that they ran on my machine and not somewhere else. So with all of 
that, I would think building my own app would be straightforward because 
everything I would need would be in my built output directory.

And therefore, I started a new C++ console application project in Visual 
Studio and copied the source for this hello-world program into the new 
project I created
Set VS include paths and lib paths to find things in my V8 directory. The 
program compiles with no errors but will not link. This is the error:

1>D:\Google\v8\out.gn\x64.release\obj\v8_libplatform.lib : fatal error 
LNK1127: library is corrupt

These are the only two lib files I have in the built output and these were 
both added to the linker's input in the settings property page in Visual 
D:\Google\v8\out.gn\x64.release\obj>dir *.lib
 Volume in drive D is New Volume
 Volume Serial Number is BAF3-FE69

 Directory of D:\Google\v8\out.gn\x64.release\obj

10/06/2018  07:50 PM            82,222 v8_libbase.lib
10/06/2018  07:50 PM            49,120 v8_libplatform.lib

Any ideas why the CL linker can't use the libs produced by my GN build? As 
I mentioned, the tests ran on my machine and I felt it was a safe 
assumption to assume those tests were also built (and linked) against these 
libraries. Maybe not?


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