In your example, is it intentional that the numeric
literal 12345678901234567890n formats to a number ending in "168" instead
of "890"?


// "12,345,678,901,234,567,168"

On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 4:22 PM Adam Klein <> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 4:21 PM Sathya Gunasekaran <>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 4:02 PM Frank Tang <> wrote:
>>> *Intend to Ship: Locale sensitive BigInt.prototype.toLocaleString &
>>> allow Intl.NumberFormat format/formatToParts to take BigInt*
>>> Spec
>>> Summary
>>> A Stage 3 Pull Request to change the ECMA402 that support locale
>>> sensitive BigInt.prototype.toLocaleString to format the BigInt and also
>>> allow Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format and
>>> Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.formatToParts to take BigInt as value.
>>> Example
>>> BigInt(12345678901234567890).toLocaleString("de")
>>> // "12.345.678.901.234.567.168"
>>> 12345678901234567890n.toLocaleString("en")
>>> // "12,345,678,901,234,567,168"
>>> 12345678901234567890n.toLocaleString("hi")
>>> // "1,23,45,67,89,01,23,45,67,168"
>>> 12345678901234567890n.toLocaleString("fa")
>>> // "۱۲٬۳۴۵٬۶۷۸٬۹۰۱٬۲۳۴٬۵۶۷٬۱۶۸"
>>> 12345678901234567890n.toLocaleString("fr")
>>> // "12 345 678 901 234 567 168"
>>> 12345678901234567890n.toLocaleString("th-Thai")
>>> // "12,345,678,901,234,567,168"
>>> 12345678901234567890n.toLocaleString("th-u-nu-Thai")
>>> // "๑๒,๓๔๕,๖๗๘,๙๐๑,๒๓๔,๕๖๗,๑๖๘"
>>> let nf = new Intl.NumberFormat("hi");
>>> nf.format(12345678901234567890n);
>>> // "1,23,45,67,89,01,23,45,67,168"
>>> nf.formatToParts(12345678901234567890n);
>>> // [{type: "integer", value: "1"},
>>> //  {type: "group", value: ","},
>>> //  {type: "integer", value: "23"},
>>> //  {type: "group", value: ","}
>>> //  {type: "integer", value: "45"},
>>> //  {type: "group", value: ","},
>>> //  {type: "integer", value: "67"},
>>> //  {type: "group", value: ","},
>>> //  {type: "integer", value: "89"},
>>> //  {type: "group", value: ","},
>>> //  {type: "integer", value: "01"},
>>> //  {type: "group", value: ","},
>>> //  {type: "integer", value: "23"},
>>> //  {type: "group", value: ","},
>>> //  {type: "integer", value: "45"},
>>> //  {type: "group", value: ","},
>>> //  {type: "integer", value: "67"},
>>> //  {type: "group", value: ","},
>>> //  {type: "integer", value: "890"}]
>>> Interoperability and compatibility risk
>>> The BigInt.prototype.toLocaleString was implemented as
>>> BigInt.prototype.toString. This launch will make it return string
>>> differently, based on the cultural conventions of the locale. Code
>>> expecting the BigInt.prototype.toLocaleString behavior the same as
>>> BigInt.prototype.toString will break but the chance is very low since the
>>> ECMA262 specification already make it clear the toLocaleString is
>>> delegating to the ECMA402 specification to specify. The
>>> Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format and formatToParts now take BigInt as
>>> value instead of throwing exception.
>>>    -
>>>    Firefox:No public signals
>>>    -
>>>    Edge: No public signals
>>>    -
>>>    Safari:No public signals
>>>    -
>>>    Web Developers:No signals
>>> Is this feature fully tested?
>>> Yes; our implementation passes our own V8 tests for all the features as
>>> well as tests under test262.
>>>    -
>>>    intl402/BigInt/prototype/toLocaleString
>>> <>
>>>    -
>>>    test/intl/bigint/
>>>    <>
>>> Tracking bug
>>> Design Doc:
>>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status dashboard
>>> Requesting approval to ship?
>>> Yes. Note that since this is a V8/JS feature, this post is just an FYI
>>> to blink-dev — no signoff from Blink API owners is required.

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