> In this line, the object at 0x7fe8125aa911 is not shown. I assume it is 
> placed in "data section".

Well. There is not data section. The object itself lives in the heap.
If you look at relocation information you can see that object
0x7fe8125aa911 is a two element FixedArray.

You can extend Code::Disassemble to print all referenced objects
recursively but that would produce quite a large output with cycles.

Alternatively you can just put a breakpoint into
CodeGenerator::PrintCode, wait until V8 compiles and prints
interesting function and then expect heap state, print objects that
are interesting to you etc.

> In these two lines, the callees are not shown, I suppose CEntry and 
> StackCheck are both built-in functions of v8.

They will be printed if you pass --print-code-stubs to V8 (your shell
should be compiled with snapshot=off).

> Basically, my goal is to catch runtime instructions trace (this is the easy 
> part) and relate it back to javascript
> source code.

--code-comment will help you to do that.

> Will --gdbjit-dump help? Is this option only available in debug build?

GDBJIT interface produces object that contain debugging information
(like pc to line mapping) but no code. So I  don't think --gdbjit-dump
will help you.

Vyacheslav Egorov

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Zhaoshi Zheng <wingle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Vyacheslav,
> Thanks for your reply. Take this function for example, Benchmark in base.js
> of V8 benchmark suite:
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a07     7  49ba11a95a12e87f0000 REX.W movq r10,0x7fe8125aa911
> ;; object: 0x7fe8125aa911 <FixedArray[2]>
> In this line, the object at 0x7fe8125aa911 is not shown. I assume it is
> placed in "data section".
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a23    35  e8d8d8fdff     call 0x7fe7ed6a0300     ;; debug:
> statement 0
>                                                              ;; code: STUB,
> CEntry, minor: 0
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a2e    46  e80d23feff     call 0x7fe7ed6a4d40     ;; code: STUB,
> StackCheck, minor: 0
> In these two lines, the callees are not shown, I suppose CEntry and
> StackCheck are both built-in functions of v8.
> Basically, my goal is to catch runtime instructions trace (this is the easy
> part) and relate it back to javascript source code. Will --gdbjit-dump help?
> Is this option only available in debug build?
> --- Raw source ---
> // A benchmark has a name (string) and a function that will be run to
> // do the performance measurement. The optional setup and tearDown
> // arguments are functions that will be invoked before and after
> // running the benchmark, but the running time of these functions will
> // not be accounted for in the benchmark score.
> function Benchmark(name, run, setup, tearDown) {
>   this.name = name;
>   this.run = run;
>   this.Setup = setup ? setup : function() { };
>   this.TearDown = tearDown ? tearDown : function() { };
> }
> --- Code ---
> kind = FUNCTION
> Instructions (size = 72)
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a00     0  55             push rbp
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a01     1  4889e5         REX.W movq rbp,rsp
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a04     4  56             push rsi
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a05     5  57             push rdi
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a06     6  56             push rsi
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a07     7  49ba11a95a12e87f0000 REX.W movq r10,0x7fe8125aa911
> ;; object: 0x7fe8125aa911 <FixedArray[2]>
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a11    17  4152           push r10
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a13    19  6a00           push 0x0
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a15    21  6a00           push 0x0
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a17    23  b804000000     movl rax,0x4
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a1c    28  498d9da0d792fe REX.W leaq rbx,[r13-0x16d2860]
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a23    35  e8d8d8fdff     call 0x7fe7ed6a0300     ;; debug:
> statement 0
>                                                              ;; code: STUB,
> CEntry, minor: 0
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a28    40  493b6508       REX.W cmpq rsp,[r13+0x8]
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a2c    44  7305           jnc 51  (0x7fe7ed6c2a33)
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a2e    46  e80d23feff     call 0x7fe7ed6a4d40     ;; code: STUB,
> StackCheck, minor: 0
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a33    51  498b4598       REX.W movq rax,[r13-0x68]
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a37    55  488be5         REX.W movq rsp,rbp      ;; debug:
> statement 513
>                                                              ;; js return
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a3a    58  5d             pop rbp
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a3b    59  c20800         ret 0x8
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a3e    62  cc             int3
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a3f    63  cc             int3
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a40    64  cc             int3
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a41    65  cc             int3
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a42    66  cc             int3
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a43    67  cc             int3
> Deoptimization Output Data (deopt points = 0)
> Stack checks (size = 0)
> ast_id  pc_offset
> RelocInfo (size = 14)
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a09  embedded object  (0x7fe8125aa911 <FixedArray[2]>)
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a23  statement position  (0)
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a24  code target (STUB)  (0x7fe7ed6a0300)
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a2f  code target (STUB)  (0x7fe7ed6a4d40)
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a37  statement position  (513)
> 0x7fe7ed6c2a37  js return
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Vyacheslav Egorov <vego...@chromium.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi Albert,
>> Can you clarify?
>> What kind of information in your opinion is missing from the
>> --print-code output?
>> You can use --code-comments to make assembly more human readable.
>> Strictly speaking there is not such thing as a translated JS program as
>> whole.
>> V8 compiles different functions separately as application runs. It
>> might compile the same function several times with different
>> compilers.
>> --
>> Vyacheslav Egorov
>> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Albert <wingle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I'm studying hardware performance of JS programs. I tried with --print-
>> > code switch with shell sample but the problem is I only got assembly
>> > code. What I would like to have is something like objdump result of C/C
>> > ++ program. Is there a way of doing this?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > --
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