Hi Jakob,

thank you for the detailed explanation.
You are right. The execution was terminated after a long time with 
sleep(500), and with sleep(1) the execution terminated in a few seconds. 
Though my formulation of title of theme was not correct, your answer helped 
me to analyse the real problem.
I don´t want to terminate the thread(s) running the isolate. I just want to 
terminate the execution the currently running JS function in the isolate.
Using sleep() was just a tool setup a reproducible test environment. The 
tests in my system were setup as follows:
- Start 20 isolates running the JS function "function f() { 
while(true){sleep(10);} } f();"
- Call v8::TerminateExecution(thread_id) for the 20 isolates running the 
same JS code.
- PROBLEM: All but one isolate terminated the execution of JS code in a few 
- The remaining isolate continued running the JS code, even calling 
v8::TerminateExecution(thread_id) several times.

So I modified in 'cctest' the file 'test-thread-termination.cc' to 
reproduce the behavior, but without success. It worked fine.
But I observed, that terminating the first isolate happens mach faster, 
then terminating the remaining ones.
The test is as follows:
- Start 3 isolates running the JS funciton "function f() { sleep(1000); 
while(true){sleep(1);} } f();"
- Call v8::TerminateExecution(thread_id) for the 3 isolates running the 
same JS code.
- I stored the looping count in the while loop, and printed at the end. 
Here are the results:

Seconds      Message
00.000  Started Thread : 2
00.007  Thread 2 sleeping for 1000 millisec
00.007  Started Thread : 3
00.008  Thread 3 sleeping for 1000 millisec
00.009  Started Thread : 4
00.017  Thread 4 sleeping for 1000 millisec
00.018  Terminating Thread 2
00.019  Terminating Thread 3
00.021  Terminating Thread 4
01.007  Thread 2 sleeping over for 1000 millisec
01.009  Thread 3 sleeping over for 1000 millisec
01.018  Thread 4 sleeping over for 1000 millisec
01.133  Finished Thread : 2 with loop count : 0
04.110  Finished Thread : 4 with loop count : 2939
04.111  Finished Thread : 3 with loop count : 2951
04.113  Sum of loop counts : 5890

I repeated the test with different number of isolates, the result was 
always the same:

00.000  Started Thread : 2
00.012  Thread 2 sleeping for 1000 millisec
00.013  Started Thread : 3
00.018  Thread 3 sleeping for 1000 millisec
00.018  Started Thread : 4
00.020  Thread 4 sleeping for 1000 millisec
00.020  Started Thread : 5
00.032  Started Thread : 6
00.034  Thread 6 sleeping for 1000 millisec
00.044  Thread 5 sleeping for 1000 millisec
00.045  Terminating Thread 2
00.046  Terminating Thread 5
00.047  Terminating Thread 3
00.048  Terminating Thread 6
00.048  Terminating Thread 4
01.012  Thread 2 sleeping over for 1000 millisec
01.018  Thread 3 sleeping over for 1000 millisec
01.020  Thread 4 sleeping over for 1000 millisec
01.044  Thread 6 sleeping over for 1000 millisec
01.045  Thread 5 sleeping over for 1000 millisec
01.065  Finished Thread : 2 with loop count : 0
02.568  Finished Thread : 3 with loop count : 1475
02.570  Finished Thread : 6 with loop count : 1471
02.572  Finished Thread : 5 with loop count : 1471
02.577  Finished Thread : 4 with loop count : 1475
02.580  Sum of loop counts : 5892

Interesting is, that the sum of the loop counts seems to be constant.
Would it mean that running 20 isolates terminates faster that running 2 or 

I suspect, that in my application the remaining isolate that does not 
terminate the execution of the running JS code is the "first" isolate.

Do you have any idea, what conditions could cause to prevent 
the termination of execution of JS Code?
Timing constraints, debugging ports, common global object, ...?

Thank you,


On Thursday, 4 April 2013 15:45:25 UTC+2, Jakob Kummerow wrote:
> TerminateExecution() does not send a kill signal to the process/thread or 
> anything like that. It sets a flag that requests termination of currently 
> running generated code for JS functions. Execution in loops isn't 
> necessarily terminated immediately, several iterations of the loop may 
> still happen (this depends on the length of the loop). The idea is that you 
> can quickly gain control over long-running scripts ("Your browser tab is 
> hanging, would you like to stop it?"). V8 does not have, and in my opinion 
> does not need, a mechanism to interrupt v8::internal::OS::Sleep(), as this 
> is never called from JS (in vanilla V8).
> The reason your alternative "DoSleep" implementation terminates much 
> quicker is because the C++ function finishes much sooner, returning control 
> to JS, which in turn is interrupted after a couple of loop iterations. I'm 
> willing to bet that if you reduce the sleeping interval from 500ms to, say, 
> 1ms in the other implementation, you'll observe much quicker termination 
> there (and, conversely, if you wait long enough, the 500ms version will 
> terminate eventually).
> Long story short: v8::TerminateExecution() is not designed to interrupt 
> v8::internal::OS::Sleep(), nor any other function or FunctionTemplate 
> implemented in C++. If you want to be able to have sleeping threads and 
> terminate them, you'll have to use either another sleep implementation, or 
> another way to request termination. (Where "use another" means "implement 
> your own".)
> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Laszlo Szakony 
> <laszlo....@certec.at<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using v8 - v8_13185_v3.15.11 - on Windows, Win7 64bit in 
>> multi-threaded environment: several scripts are running parallel. 
>> At an arbitrary time I want to terminate certain running scripts or maybe 
>> all from another thread. Some of the scripts may have infinite loops. 
>> Everything works fine, until some scripts call dosleep() in a 
>> FunctionTemplate defined as follows: 
>> (In thread script[n]) 
>> v8::Handle<v8::Value> DoSleep(const v8::Arguments& args) {****
>>   int millisec = args[0]->ToInt32()->Int32Value();****
>>   if (millisec)****
>>   {****
>>     v8::Unlocker unlock;****
>>     v8::internal::OS::Sleep(millisec);****
>>   }****
>>   return v8::Undefined();****
>> }****
>> …****
>> v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> global = v8::ObjectTemplate::New();****
>> global->Set(v8::String::New("dosleep"), 
>> v8::FunctionTemplate::New(DoSleep));****
>> …****
>> The JavaScript Code looks sg. like this:****
>> v8::Script::Compile(v8::String::New("function f() { while(true) 
>> {dosleep(500);} } f()"))->Run();****
>> ** **
>> In the main thread I call:****
>> v8::Locker locker;****
>> for (int i = 0; i < kThreads; i++) {****
>>   v8::V8::TerminateExecution(threads[i]->GetV8ThreadId());****
>> ** **
>> The threads calling dosleep() won`t terminate. If I change the DoSleep() 
>> Function() to:****
>> v8::Handle<v8::Value> DoSleep(const v8::Arguments& args) {****
>>   int millisec = args[0]->ToInt32()->Int32Value();****
>>   if (millisec)****
>>   {****
>>     v8::Unlocker unlock;****
>>     for (int i = count; i--;) for (int j = 1000; j--;) ;****
>>   }****
>>   return v8::Undefined();****
>> }
>> then the threads calling dosleep() will be terminated.****
>> I have modified test-thread-termination.cc to demonstrate the behavior. 
>> After replacing test-thread-termination.cc with the attached one and 
>> compiling of ccttest the tests can be called by:****
>> C:\v8_13185_v3.15.11\build\Release>cctest 
>> test-thread-termination/TerminateMultipleV8ThreadsWithDelayDefaultIsolate 
>> => OK****
>> C:\v8_13185_v3.15.11\build\Release>cctest 
>> test-thread-termination/TerminateMultipleV8ThreadsWithSleepDefaultIsolate 
>> => Failed: no termination****
>> Is this a bug? If not, how can I terminate scripts calling sleep()?
>> Thank you,
>> Laszlo
>> -- 
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