hi i compiled v8 as the method,but link the program comes error, so can you 
tell any more information about that...

在 2013年9月18日星期三UTC+8上午10时47分19秒,Diep Nguyen Hoang写道:
> Updated: it works, thanks for your help!
> On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:48:03 AM UTC+7, Diep Nguyen Hoang wrote:
>> I have edited my android.gypi like this:
>> ['_type=="static_library"', {
>>             'ldflags': [
>>               # Don't export symbols from statically linked libraries.
>>               '-Wl,--exclude-libs=ALL',
>>             ],
>>     'standalone_static_library': 1, 
>>           }],
>> And it does not work, my output still 3MB libv8_base.arm.a with bunch of 
>> object file which do not merged into .a file.
>> On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7:48:56 PM UTC+7, Ben Noordhuis wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Diep Nguyen Hoang 
>>> <virusl...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>>> > Hi, currently I'm trying to build v8 as a static library on Android. 
>>> > 
>>> > I have successfully finished build command, and have libv8_base.arm.a, 
>>> > libv8_nosnapshot.arm.a, libv8_snapshot.a already. But when I put them 
>>> into 
>>> > my project and compile, these .a file seems to be directly linked to 
>>> the .o 
>>> > files, which are result of v8 building. I also notice that, size of 
>>> these .a 
>>> > files is too small (about 1MB), and contains no object file but the 
>>> absolute 
>>> > path to object file (using $ cat). 
>>> > 
>>> > What I want is static library must contains all object files, not map 
>>> to 
>>> > them, so I can push them to repository, is this right? I used default 
>>> build 
>>> > command (make android_arm.release, OS: Ubuntu 12 and OS X). Now 
>>> because the 
>>> > .a files just contain the paths, not objects themself, my project 
>>> build 
>>> > command is failed. 
>>> > 
>>> > Please help, 
>>> > Thanks, 
>>> GYP builds thin archives by default on platforms that support it (the 
>>> GNU toolchain on Linux does, don't think OS X does.)  You can disable 
>>> it by setting standalone_static_library: 1 in the *.gyp file that 
>>> builds the static library, e.g.: 
>>>   'targets': [{ 
>>>     'target_name': 'foo', 
>>>     'type': 'static_library', 
>>>     'standalone_static_library': 1, 
>>>     'sources': [ ... ] 
>>>   }] 
>>> Good luck. 

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