On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 1:18 AM Vitali Lovich <vlov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What's the best way to measure script parse time vs lazy function
> compilation time? It's been a few months since I last looked at this so my
> memory is a bit hazy on whether it was instantiating
> v8::ScriptCompiler::Source, v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnboundScript, or
> the combined time of both (although I suspect both count as script parse
> time?). I do recall that on my laptop, using the code cache basically
> halved the time on larger scripts of what I was measuring & I suspect I
> would have looked at the overall time to instantiate the isolate with a
> script (it was a no-op on smaller scripts, so I suspect we're talking about
> script parse time).

The best way is to run with --runtime-call-stats, this will give you
detailed scoped timers for almost everything we do, including compilation.
Script deserialisation is certainly faster than script compilation, so I'm
not surprised it has a big impact when the two are compared against each
other, I'm more curious how it compares to overall worklet runtime.

> FWIW, if It's helpful, when I profiled a stress test of isolate
> construction on my machine with a release build, I saw V8 spending a lot of
> time deserializing the snapshot (seemingly once for the isolate & then
> again for the context).

Yeah, the isolate snapshot is the ~immutable context-independent one (think
of things like the "undefined" value) which is deserialized once per
isolate, and the context snapshot is things that are mutable (think of
things like the "Math" object) that have to be fresh per new context. Note
that these snapshots use the same mechanism as the code cache snapshot, but
are otherwise entirely distinct.

> Breakdown of the flamegraph:
> * ~22% of total runtime to run NewContextFromSnapshot. Within that ~5% of
> total runtime was spent just decompressing the snapshot & the rest was
> deserializing it (17%). I thought there was only 1 snapshot. Couldn't the
> decompression happen once in V8System instead?

It's possible that the decompression could be once per isolate, although
there is the memory impact to consider.

> * 9% of total runtime spent decompressing the snapshot for the isolate (in
> other words 14% of total runtime was spent decompressing the snapshot).
> In our use-case we construct a lot of isolates in the same process. I'm
> curious if there's opportunities to extend V8 to utilize COW to reduce the
> memory & CPU impact of deserializing the snapshot multiple times. Is my
> guess correct that deserialization is actually doing non-trivial things
> like relocating objects or do you think there's a 0-copy approach that can
> be taken with serializing/deserializing the snapshot so that it's prebuilt
> in the right format (perhaps even without any compression)?

There's definitely relocations happening during deserialisation; for the
isolate, we've wanted to share the "read-only space" which contains
immutable immortal objects (like "undefined"), but under pointer
compression this has technical issues because of limited guarantees when
using mmap (IIRC). I imagine COW for the context snapshot would have
similar issues, combined with the COW getting immediately defeated as soon
as the GC runs (because it has to mutate the data to set mark bits). It's a
direction worth exploring, but hasn't been enough of a priority for us.

Another thing we're considering looking into is deserializing the context
snapshot lazily, so that unused functions/classes never get deserialized in
the first place. Again, not something we've had time to prioritise, but
something we're much more likely to work on at some point in the future,
since it becomes more web relevant every time new functionality is

I fully understand. I'm definitely interested in the snapshot format since
> presumably anything that helps the web here will also help us. Is there a
> paper I can reference to read up more on the proposal? I've seen a few in
> the wild from the broader JS community but nothing about V8's plans here. I
> have no idea if that will help our workload but it's certainly something
> we're open to exploring.

You're probably thinking of BinaryAST, which is unrelated to this. We
haven't talked much about web snapshots yet, because it's still very
preliminary, very prototypy, and we don't want to make any promises or
guarantees around it even ever materialising. +Marja Hölttä
<ma...@chromium.com> is leading this effort, she'll know the current state.

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