Hello All,
My OS is Win10 pro with HyperV disabled. My build environment is Win10, 
Vagrant, VirtualBox (and Ubuntu Guest OS). I am testing an open source 
docker project from Github. In my vagrantfile, I have configured to mount a 
directory in my host OS (where all my docker-compose.yml, .env, other 
resources) are located. That statement is something like this:

config.vm.synced_folder "../thisproject", "/vagrant/thisproject", 
create:"true", type:"virtualbox"

After I ran the vagrantfile, I ssh into Ubuntu and navigated to the 
thisproject folder. All the files/sub-directories in my host OS are in the 
guest OS directory except the .env file. Actually when I unzipped the 
github project, the root directory for this project has a couple of other 
files .dockerignore, .gitignore. These files exist in my host OS directory, 
but not in the corresponding guest OS directory. All these missing files 
have something in common. Unlike other files, there is no alphanumeric 
characters before the "." For example, .env file. Of all these missing 
file, the one I am concorn about is the missing .env
Can someone please inform me why .env file failed to copy over? Or inside 
the VM, Ubuntu hide files with unusal names such as .env

Thanks in advance.

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