Hi all,

vagrant cloud publish --help
Usage: vagrant cloud publish [options] organization/box-name version 
provider-name provider-file

Create and release a new Vagrant Box on Vagrant Cloud


        --box-version VERSION        Version of box to create
        --url URL                    Remote URL to download this provider
    -d, --description DESCRIPTION    Full description of box
        --version-description DESCRIPTION
                                     Description of the version to create
    -f, --force                      Disables confirmation to create or 
update box
    -p, --private                    Makes box private
    -r, --release                    Releases box
    -s DESCRIPTION,                  Short description of the box
    -u, --username USERNAME_OR_EMAIL Vagrant Cloud username or email address
    -c, --checksum CHECKSUM_VALUE    Checksum of the box for this provider. 
--checksum-type option is required.
    -C, --checksum-type TYPE         Type of checksum used (md5, sha1, 
sha256, sha384, sha512). --checksum option is required.
        --[no-]color                 Enable or disable color output
        --machine-readable           Enable machine readable output
    -v, --version                    Display Vagrant version
        --debug                      Enable debug output
        --timestamp                  Enable timestamps on log output
        --debug-timestamp            Enable debug output with timestamps
        --no-tty                     Enable non-interactive output
    -h, --help                       Print this help

How do I use the --no-tty option ?

sudo  vagrant cloud publish --no-tty  usernamel/fedora32 1.0.1 vmware 
fedora-32.vmware.box -d "A really cool box to download and use" 
--version-description "A cool version" --release --short-description 
"Download me!" 
I get:

 In a moment we will ask for your username and password to HashiCorp's
Vagrant Cloud. After authenticating, we will store an access token locally 
disk. Your login details will be transmitted over a secure connection, and
are never stored on disk locally.

If you do not have an Vagrant Cloud account, sign up at
Vagrant is attempting to interface with the UI in a way that requires
a TTY. Most actions in Vagrant that require a TTY have configuration
switches to disable this requirement. Please do that or run Vagrant
with TTY.

Howto not interacively upload ?

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