On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 8:32 PM, Jürg Billeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, this probable makes sense, however, it's not as simple as declaring
> these methods as public, as they for example don't accept EOF in some
> cases where a code snippet might end. We should probably also enhance
> the scanner a bit to make it easier to handle code snippets.
Great - I will take a look on the modifications needed. I wanted to know if
there's interest in this.

> There has been no change about libvala. It's still built and installed
> as shared library by default in Vala 0.3.2 and we don't intend to change
> this.

Actually I have seen this behaviour (the missing, once there, libvala0.dll)
on Windows.
I will investigate this.

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