> Nonetheless I still think if VALA needs bigger, live projects to
> increase the level awareness which it deserves. At least among the
> open-source vala projects tracked by ohloh, I don't see any of them a
> critical application(by critical I mean a real develop team, active
> development and large codebase). I don't think this situation is healthy
> for the language's eco-system.
> I would like to do a survey/study about the situation. How do you think?

You probably wont see bigger projects using vala until the API and
language is stable.  It's tough to depend on a moving target where
code compiles today and not tomorrow.  With the rate that changes are
coming in and the tenacity of developers who are active on this list,
I'm sure it wont be too much longer until it happens organically.

-- Christian
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