Jiří Zárevúcky wrote:
> Regardless the potential advantages of two directly comparable
> project, imagine what would it cause in a larger scale. gnote is
> already seen as a "good" counterpart to an "evil" project in the eyes
> of almost religionistic mono-haters and it is a denial of Tomboy's
> actual achievement. Imagine that someone would copy your original cool
> project just because he doesn't like the language. I'm sure it would
> make you angry.

Why should it make a developer angry?  This is open source after all.
Forks happen.  If the fork becomes more popular than your project, well
that's life.  If a developer really wants that much control over his
baby's destiny, then an open source license may not be his style, and
maybe MS-style protectionism (patents, DRM, etc) will work out better.

There are lots of reasons not to clone tomboy in Vala.  Waste of time as
you say, etc.  But saying "[wouldn't it] make [the developer] angry" is
not one of them.
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