
Le 14/11/2010 15:30, pancake a écrit :
> On Sun, 14 Nov 2010 11:22:37 +0000 (UTC)
> Samuel CUELLA <samuel.cue...@supinfo.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Where's the source repository? I can't find any svn/git/..
>> For the moment, the repository is not accessible from the internet. I'll 
>> import
>> it into the sourceforge subversion service when I have time. That means I'll 
>> do
>> it, but I can't tell you when. If you want to work on the source code or 
>> apply
>> patches, please do it against the latest release tarball. Just send your 
>> patches
>> at b...@blitzen.org, or use sf tracker, as written on the 'Contributing' 
>> page of
>> the website.
> Why non use git or hg? svn and sourceforge are imho worst solutions for 
> developers.
> I stopped using sourceforge for security reasons (their servers are not really
> secure places) and because of their license agreement and service shutdown 
> times.

Free Software Needs Free Tools: http://mako.cc/writing/hill-free_tools.html

gitorious and launchpad are my two prefered tools.

> If you use svn/cvs or any other traditional control version system you end up
> depending on a network link in order to work with it which results in slower
> work (diffing code, checking out code, ..). and it's less optimal when you 
> work with
> more people.
> I understand that this is just a personal opinion, feel free to use what you 
> like :)
>>> I tried to write a simple webapp but I faced the following issues:
>>>  * There's no sne-server.h installed , so i had to copy them manually with 
>> Fixed
>>>  * There's no pkgconfig file that setups gcc flags correctly. I had to split
>>>    the build in two steps (valac+gcc)
>> Fixed
>> Thank you for reporting bugs ! These two of them have been fixed in the 
>> latest
>> release (blitzen-0.0.8-r1) available on sourceforge. You just made me realize
>> that I had a manually created 'stk.pc' on my system that was not part of the
>> dist and not part of the project at all. Don't hesitate to point out any of
>> these 'features'.
>>>  * The webapp is loaded correctly, but segfaults when running. You may find
>>>    the sourcecode here:
>>>       http://lolcathost.org/b/stk.tar.gz
>> As written in my first answer, this is "working on my system"(tm). I don't 
>> know
>> how this got wrong, but I suspect the deployment process. Try to use the
>> Makefile linked in my previous post, and look at the documentation deployment
>> hints at http://blitzen.sourceforge.net/manual/ch03s03.html.
>> If it still don't work, please let me know. I really want to fix it if 
>> necessary.
> Uhm, i have updated to 0.8-r1 and used the makefile of the manual and now it
> seems to work fine. thanks :)
>>> It would be nice to have some help or flags handled by blitzen binary, to
>>> specify different configuration file, show version or so.
>> We(I in fact) are accepting patches ;)
> Until I can fetch the development repository I prefer to report bugs instead 
> of
> sending patches because i devel src is usually not the same in the last 
> release.
>>> Vlad and me are planing to add support for Stk in GtkON
>> Somebody just dragged my attention to your project some days ago. I'm really
>> missing your point there. What's the purpose of GtkON ? I mean, it's 
>> generating
>> Vala code out of an XML file with mixed UI definition and code. Don't take it
>> personal, but I think it's a very, very bad idea, at least for real
>> applications. It might be OK for rapid prototyping. But in my opinion, that's
>> not the big problem. The big problem is why using this ? libglade have been
>> around for years, GtkBuilder is now integrated directly in gtk and glade is 
>> able
>> to generate XML for it. Why using something like GtkON when you can use 
>> glade to
>> design your interface and something /built into/ Gtk to load it ? GtkBuilder 
>> is
>> available for any language that has a gtk binding, including Vala, but not
>> restricted to it. For me, that's making GtkON pretty useless.
> The purpose of GtkON is to provide a simpler syntax for the XML parsed by 
> GtkAML.
> It generates vala code from a simpler syntax which results in a 
> container-oriented
> programming language which is much cleaner for UI development.
> The reason I prefer gtkaml before gtkbuilder is because most of the UIs are 
> just
> static, and it is not necessary to perform this task every time you execute 
> the
> program, maybe the cost is not noticable in your machine, but my phone and 
> laptop
> does.
> I understand that from the design point of having everything separated in a 
> way makes the development much more clean, but gtkaml does not forces you to
> mix this, it's just a way to have static UIs definitions in separated files, 
> then
> you can put the logic somewhere else.
> Something that really anoyis me when using glade or xml definition for 
> container
> constructions is the fact that even the properties and signals links are 
> defined
> in separated places which makes me read up to 3 files at a time in order to
> understand what does what with what and where (yeah :P).
> And certainly.. using glade (or any other graphical application) to design 
> interfaces
> have been pretty frustrating for me, for various reasons:
>   - huge XML file generation (not human friendly)
>   - you can't script or easily to GUI refactorings easily
>   - gtk is a container oriented widget kit which makes the UI design a bit 
> complex
>     because you have to understand the logic of the boxes, alignments, 
> borders, etc..
>     this makes the development pretty frustrating and slow, at least for me 
> it's
>     easier to write it down what i have in mind in a simpler text syntax, and 
> it
>     is much easier to see which variables are used, which widgets, etc.
>   - many people end up placing many useless widgets in the UI to make the 
> application
>     look as they want (separators, spacers, etc..) which is not really 
> gnome-friendly.
>   - adding user-defined widgets in glade is hard (to not say impossible)
> If you understand well how glade and gtk works you can do pretty good stuff, 
> but still
> have all those points for new users.
>> The only feature that it have over GtkBuilder is to generate 'native' code. 
>> And
>> of course more concise XML. I perfectly agree that GtkBuilder XML notation 
>> can
>> be reduced. For this, just talking with the Gtk guys or writing your own XML
>> parser would have been better. Parsing XML and creating GObject on the flow 
>> is
>> really easy. Even setting properties is straightforward.
> Yep, parsing xml is such a simple task, there'r lot of libraries to do it and 
> the coder
> can focus in code generation which is good.
> Maybe im such a freak guy, but I don't see why do all this stuff at runtime 
> when it
> only changes at compilation time. For some situations it is useful, but for 
> 90% it is not.
> It's at the end a personal opinion, but i prefer smaller, less mem consuming 
> and faster apps
> than having to load more libraries in memory, parse stuff and execute code 
> which could be
> defined just once.
>> If you don't want to have XML files around when distributing your 
>> application,
>> you can perfectly embed the interface data into a string and have this string
>> parsed by GtkBuilder. There is a function for that. If you really want to
>> generate static code, it's very easy to take a GtkBuilder file and to 
>> generate
>> the corresponding code. You could also do the same with your own XML parse: 
>> It's
>> just a matter of outputting call code instead of executing it.
> The only reason to use xml UI definition i can imagine is when you need 
> something
> really dynamic, like a remote UI application using DBus and Glade, (like an 
> http
> browser using gtk) or something similar, but usually when you change the UI 
> you
> need to touch something in the code, so having the XML files out of the 
> program
> doesnt helps too much.
> A designer is not going to edit an XML file, so it's always the task of the 
> developer
> to change it. And i think that it is better to keep a single user interface 
> that fits
> all uses than allowing the users to change the UI for each app. OSX and 
> windows do
> something similar, but in those cases it is more logic because their code is 
> closed.
> Another point is that you add more complexity in the program, so finding bugs 
> in
> UI is harder than in simpler apps using gtkon.
>> Really, I don't see the point of that project. However, please don't take it
>> personal or whatever. I know you've invested time on it and I we all know it
>> feels when people don't like your work. This is only my opinion. If the 
>> project
>> is useful for you and fit your needs, it's fine for everyone.
> np :) i like to receive feedback from what I do, it's also a way to learn.
> Yep, I use gtkon in some projects of mine and i'm pretty impressed of the 
> results.
> I have reduced and simplified the code a lot, now i can develop faster, and 
> reading the code is much more easy than before. I have used many widget kits 
> (qt,
> swing, mfc, wx, ..) and IMHO gtkon is the most productive and 
> performance-friendly
> development language for UI descriptions.
>>> , so you can drop StkBuilder,
>>> XML files and reduce even more lines of code in the applications.
>> I'm not going to drop StkBuilder in favor of GtkOn. Not because I don't like 
>> it,
>> which is true, but only because that's not what I'm trying to implement 
>> there.
>> StkBuilder is not intended to generate code. Ever. StkBuilder allows people 
>> to
>> separate UI definition from 'business' code. It also allow to modify UI 
>> without
>> recompiling. Moreover, Blitzen applications are long-lasting. StkBuilder 
>> doesn't
>> read the XML file and create views on-the-fly each time a view is created. It
>> only loads the definition once and keeps it in an intermediate representation
>> that is then use by the instantiation engine to build up the view. I've 
>> benched
>> statical code vs StkBuilder and the "overhead" is not noticeable. In fact,
>> StkBuilder is faster than manual view setup. Of course, this does not include
>> the first file reading, but only creating a view from the intermediate
>> representation stored:
>> I've got "Elapsed time : 0.000369" for build up using StkBuilder that create
>> instances using g_object_new and set properties using 
>> g_object_set_properties,
>> and "Elapsed time : 0.000461" for the direct view setup using the Stk API
>> functions, like stk_text_entry_new() and alike.
>> Therefore, there is no speed gains there.
> But this is just a personal opinion based on my experiences and use cases. I 
> don't
> want you to change or remove stkbuilder, i understand that they can be useful 
> for
> many people and situations.
>> If you want to look at the code I've used, I can put it somewhere for your
>> scrutiny. Just ask.
> np
>> However, If you still want to adapt GtkON to Stk and you think that might be
>> useful for you or other people, please do so. I've nothing personal against 
>> it,
>> and I'll try to notify you on API evolution/breaks.
> Yep, vlad and me will work on this along this week, we will push some blitzen
> examples written in gtkon.
> Thanks
> --pancake
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