Is there any way right now to open a GL context up inside of a GTK+3
window using vala?

> I've been trying to automatically parse the headers glext.h and glxext.h so I 
> could use OpenGL functions that aren't available in the current gl.vapi 
> (anything beyond OpenGL 1.3). So far, I've managed to produce bindings for 
> the 
> functions and the constants defined in both headers. I'm not sure what to do 
> with the types, though.
> Is there anywhere I can go to find out what all the [IntegerType (rank=9)] 
> stuff 
> means, and how I decide to use rank=9 versus rank=7 or 6, or whatever number 
> strikes my fancy?
> I've attached my progress so far. There are two python  files; each of them 
> parse the header they are named after. Two directories need to be present
> before either script runs: intermediates and xintermediates.
> To run the script, type:
> python debug
> The scripts produces 4 things:
> 1. and 2.) A "constants.vapi" and "functions.vapi" file either in 
> intermediates 
> or xintermediates, depending on whether the parser is for GL or GLX.
> 3.) A debug log
> 4.) A list of the types used in each function printed to the command line. 
> This 
> is so I have an easy-to-reference list of the types used in the .vapi that 
> need 
> binding.
> On Mon Jun 5 2011, august wrote:
> >Are there .vapi's that work with openGL and GTK+-3.0?
> >
> >any examples?
> >
> >thanks -august.

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