Funny you should say that, i'm working on a cross platform, native building
tool too :-)

I'm not crazy about make autoconfigure intlool (and the perl requirement)
and all the dependencies (all the shell tools perl, libxml...
)whereas the point is, in most case, to invoke gcc (and friends : ld ar
pkgconfig...) with the proper parameters.

So I decided to get down to it : building c and vala projects with only gcc
(and friends). No shell script, no perl, no configuration generation.
And no modification to my source folders : no file added, generated or
"cleaned". If the tool has to generate files, it will create its own temp
folder. Way cleaner, way safer.

Each project is described declaratively with a easily readable and parsable
yaml file, and processed to build the exec or shared library or static
All are supported :-)

You can define build configurations (debug and release are the ones I use) :
each with specific settings (optimisation,symbols, warning levels, output
file names).

I'm quite happy with the result so far : i can build vala(even gidl and
gen-introspect), valadoc and other projects without having to invoke
configure make or autogen. Just from the project file i wrote (a couple of
lines each) and the vala files of course.
The project file for the hello world program is 4 lines iirc.

The tool can handle vala, c,language files, config.h (it should be able to
generate it from the project file very soon) and library/project

Like with make, required projects are built automatically...

I still have to generate pc deps files and handle application packaging
(debian package and simple Windows installer). And test it on Linux. And add
some documentation :-)

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